Love story in 22 pictures - Taylor Morris

Holy fuck. What an amazing and profoundly inspiring "story". Pictures really are worth 1,000 words.
Wow. As I got past the 3rd pic I just "knew" where this was going to lead. Lumped up a bit in the throat when I got to the first hospital shot...equally inspiring is his wife. An amazing woman - I've had good friends see "the loves of their lives" disappear or stray at the first sign of trouble or a long deployment. this one puts it all in perspective.
2 of my son's friends were seriously wounded during last year's deployment. One Marine lost his leg, the other Marine is a triple amputee with head injury. They each have 2 of the most incredible young women in their lives. They display amazing fortitude for ladies in their early 20s. These ladies have gone through every step of recovery with their Marines. One delivered her baby at Walter Reed while her husband was recovering from surgery there. Truly inspiring.
Thanks for posting these pics up Cyberchp.
I received this as an e-mail several days ago. A very touching and heart felt story in so many ways. Awesome and inspiring, so many brave young men and women serve our nation and their sacrifice is beyond belief. My nephew was wounded last just before Christmas his squad leader, SSG Trent (RIP young man) was killed, A-stan. He is in Texas now undergoing many surgeries with a long rehab. We are all relieved he is still alive, proud of him and thankful. He is the fourth in line to serve in this conflict in my immediate family. "Infantry leads the way!"

Wishing all of you a Happy New year and thank each one of you for what you do.

Deepest Respect