"Lucas Strikes Back"

That looks friggin amazing!!! Dammit! Every time I think I'm done with Star Wars universe I'm pulled back in. George Lucas you beautiful bastard you!
Before everyone starts sucking George Lucas's dick, he has nothing to do with this anymore. Sold everything to Disney for a $ Billion plus. Mickey is your new god now...

don't care, I'm glad to see another story line that seems a bit darker and not so family oriented.
Yup. In spite of the hemming and hawwing that occurred when the details of the Disney deal came out, it seems like they've managed to re-invigorate the franchise and make some really killer Star Wars stuff. If 'The Force Awakens' is any indicator, this new trilogy is gonna be good.
don't care, I'm glad to see another story line that seems a bit darker and not so family oriented.
Alot of Disney's newer stuff is pretty dark when you step back and look at it. What I'm saying is that for the past few years they haven't just been catering to the younger audience, they're also keeping the gen-x and millennial audience that grew up with them. That being said, Disney is going to do things with Star Wars that Lucas probably wouldn't have done.
Yup. In spite of the hemming and hawwing that occurred when the details of the Disney deal came out, it seems like they've managed to re-invigorate the franchise and make some really killer Star Wars stuff. If 'The Force Awakens' is any indicator, this new trilogy is gonna be good.
Yup. In spite of the hemming and hawwing that occurred when the details of the Disney deal came out, it seems like they've managed to re-invigorate the franchise and make some really killer Star Wars stuff. If 'The Force Awakens' is any indicator, this new trilogy is gonna be good.
If there is one thing Disney knows how to do, it's separate a person from their money. ;-):-) The best thing this franchise could do was get away from Lucas.

The new trailer looks cool and the story line is interesting. My only disappointment was seeing Forest Whitaker in it; he's a horrible actor. Hopefully he has a very minor role.
If there is one thing Disney knows how to do, it's separate a person from their money. ;-):-) The best thing this franchise could do was get away from Lucas.

The new trailer looks cool and the story line is interesting. My only disappointment was seeing Forest Whitaker in it; he's a horrible actor. Hopefully he has a very minor role.

JJ Abrams did such a great job in revitalizing Star Trek on the big screen. He carried it over into Star Wars, and it is darker; more than I expected.
Seems to me more popular sci-fi and super hero films that can swing that way should. Nolan proved with his Batman trilogy that it's a very successful strategy.

It is acknowledging the true nature of the comic books, graphic novels, and books. Trying to make a PG-13 Punisher movie was a surefire way to fail. Any kid who saw even one Punisher comic knew he slaughtered bad guys mercilessly. Thankfully, Netflix and other TV production companies e.g. The Walking Dead are not denying the dark and violent story lines. Stars Wars is an uplifting story...but the fact remains only three pilots survived the assault on the first Death Star...and those were the cream of the crop of the Rebels.

The Japanese and Koreans do dark cinema quite well. OldBoy, anything by Akira Kurosawa, Battle Royale. Check them out.
Speaking of Disney...

Huh...So that would probably explain Mickey Mouse's fall to the dark side. Minnie doesn't love him and a divorce would destroy the Disney empire. So in a weird way the acquisition of the "Star Wars" franchise is akin to the sports car/mid-life crisis analogy. Things be rough for a mouse.
I would love to see a pure Sith movie. Darth Whatever snapping necks and cashing checks.The Death Star NOT blowing up in a SW movie? Gold right there. Lightsabers, force chokes, a planet or three blows up....do we need a plot?