SOF Support
Has anyone tried one of these? Yes... it's axe blade... I guess if your channeling your inner Viking...
The barrel is longer than the blade. When would that come in useful? Other then when trying to look cool.
Boo, Hissssssssssssss! this has nothing to do with logic, this is tacticool Viking head smashing with axes on your rifle stuff... You reprobate, where is your sense of "I don't need this, I want this, because it's just badass, useless, but badass as hell."
By the way, I didn't just post my comment because of Marine Corps heritage and our affinity for the bayonet.
An axe is a slashing and chopping weapon. What that means is proper execution always comes from circular path of travel towards the intended target. A bayonet, by comparison, is primarily a puncture wound weapon and proper employment requires a linear path of travel. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. A bayonet to the jugular will arrive quicker than swinging an axe to the jugular.
View attachment 10574 View attachment 10573 Battle Mug anyone?
They won't, they're stuck on full retard with the battle mugs. You can get a plastic variant for much cheaper, plus your beverage of choice will remain cooler in it due to lack of conduction compared to basically having radiator fins on your mug otherwise.