Hahahaha. Life changes a lot post company command. You start to leave the tactical life you love and have several years of staff time before competing for a small number of battalion command opportunities. I get it.
Moving over as a Major to the active component of another branch though isn't easy though unless you already possess some kind of unique qualification like cyber or are a pilot. I can't imagine the Army would want to put an officer with 12 years of being a Marine and 0 years of being a solider into a key development billet over someone already in that track. I don't think they would even let one of their own personnel jump over from the infantry to SF or the Ranger Regiment at the 04 level, nevermind someone from another branch. I think you could do it, but you would probably have to resign your commission and apply for a National Guard billet.
Welcome aboard and Semper Fi. I wish you luck in your endeavors.