MTV's "2017 Resolutions for White Guys" Fiasco


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
MTV: "We'll create a funny and witty movie that racially disparages white people! It'll be great!"
Decent people everywhere: ":-/:thumbsdown::mad::wall:"

All The Reasons Trump Won, Explained In MTV's "2017 Resolutions for White Guys"

The latest example is MTV News’ “2017 Resolutions for White Guys.” Well, I’m always in the mood for some good resolutions, and I’m a white guy, and I like MTV. I knew it would be political, but I thought I might learn something.


show me where the election hurt you.jpg
After watching that, all I have to say is fuck MTV.

It's like the seventh level of stupid continues to inflict millions and shows itself, more and more each day.
MTV is still a thing?

"hey 1998 called and they want their basic cable back"

1998, I was back at Bragg from a 6 month Saudi run, dropped into the Division clinic for a cool down period. Division medics have to pull clinic time for sick call education and treatment procedures, considered a good gig after busting their asses. Anyway, morning sick call, T.V.'s would be on and MTV would be playing the latest trash music. I would change it to C.M.T. and get ragged on.
