My Into


Verified Military
Aug 10, 2012
Hey guys. I stumbled across this site a few weeks ago and will frequent it from time to time. I'm currently in the Air Force as a Logistics Readiness Officer. I'm currently working on the ANG staff at Andrews after a year as the logistics director at Bolling. Prior to that I was at Dyess for 4 years.

I am one of "those guys" who will be attempting to cross-train in the near future. I'm quite tired of the office life and desk job. I attempted to crosstrain to 13D this past year, but my current AFSC won't release me.

I say all of that not to try to legitimize myself to you guys or anything, but just so you know where I'm coming from and what I want to do. I'm all ears at this point and am looking forward to interacting with you all and learning anything I can.
Welcome to SS. Thank you for your service; never down play what you have accomplished in service to your country. There are so many who never served, and have no idea of the sacrifice made in the wartime military.

RF 1