FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (USASOC News Service, Jun 24, 2009) – The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) welcomed a new regiment command sergeant major as Command Sgt. Maj. Jake Elliott relinquished responsibility to Command Sgt. Maj. David L. Leamon during a ceremony on June 18.
“These NCOs are a representation of your hard work as the Regimental CSM,” said Col. Clayton Hutmacher, commander of the 160th SOAR (A), who presided over the ceremony. “And in my humble opinion, and I have been serving off and on in this Regiment for over 20 years, the NCO corps today is better than I have ever seen it and you are a big part of that. They reflect your values, your priorities and your hard work.”
Hutmacher told the crowd of Elliott’s proven combat leadership, loyalty to the Regiment and quality of service.
“You’re the reason we are who we are today,” he said.
In his farewell remarks, Elliott recognized the amazing contributions and work of those that comprise the Regiment, a singular collection of men and women, soldiers and civilians who daily accomplish the impossible. He thanked the pilots and crews, the maintainers and the variety of supporters and staff officers who were committed to a common goal and were professional in their duties. He also thanked the families for their commitment, support and strength to their Night Stalker spouses.
He concluded by recognizing the Families of Fallen Night Stalkers and the Gold Star Families for their sacrifice and courage.
Elliott served in the 160th SOAR (A) for 17 years, the last three as the Regimental Command Sergeant Major. A second ceremony later that day honored more than 26 years of distinguished Army service as Elliott was retired from active duty.
Their mutual respect and admiration was very apparent throughout both of their comments. Elliott remarked on how he thought Leamon was the perfect pick to replace him as the senior NCO of the Regiment and Leamon thanked Elliott for building such a strong team of senior NCOs and for his service to the Regiment and to the Army.
Leamon then asked those in attendance to remember those Night Stalkers that remain in harm’s way and to keep them and their families in their prayers.
He concluded by stating, “I serve with the pride and memory of those who have gone before me because they loved to fight, fought to win and would rather die than quit. Night Stalkers Don’t Quit.”
Leamon most recently served in 1st Bn., 160th SOAR (A) as the Battalion Command Sergeant Major, and has served in various assignments spanning the past 25 years.
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. (USASOC News Service, Jun 24, 2009) – The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) welcomed a new regiment command sergeant major as Command Sgt. Maj. Jake Elliott relinquished responsibility to Command Sgt. Maj. David L. Leamon during a ceremony on June 18.
“These NCOs are a representation of your hard work as the Regimental CSM,” said Col. Clayton Hutmacher, commander of the 160th SOAR (A), who presided over the ceremony. “And in my humble opinion, and I have been serving off and on in this Regiment for over 20 years, the NCO corps today is better than I have ever seen it and you are a big part of that. They reflect your values, your priorities and your hard work.”
Hutmacher told the crowd of Elliott’s proven combat leadership, loyalty to the Regiment and quality of service.
“You’re the reason we are who we are today,” he said.
In his farewell remarks, Elliott recognized the amazing contributions and work of those that comprise the Regiment, a singular collection of men and women, soldiers and civilians who daily accomplish the impossible. He thanked the pilots and crews, the maintainers and the variety of supporters and staff officers who were committed to a common goal and were professional in their duties. He also thanked the families for their commitment, support and strength to their Night Stalker spouses.
He concluded by recognizing the Families of Fallen Night Stalkers and the Gold Star Families for their sacrifice and courage.
Elliott served in the 160th SOAR (A) for 17 years, the last three as the Regimental Command Sergeant Major. A second ceremony later that day honored more than 26 years of distinguished Army service as Elliott was retired from active duty.
Their mutual respect and admiration was very apparent throughout both of their comments. Elliott remarked on how he thought Leamon was the perfect pick to replace him as the senior NCO of the Regiment and Leamon thanked Elliott for building such a strong team of senior NCOs and for his service to the Regiment and to the Army.
Leamon then asked those in attendance to remember those Night Stalkers that remain in harm’s way and to keep them and their families in their prayers.
He concluded by stating, “I serve with the pride and memory of those who have gone before me because they loved to fight, fought to win and would rather die than quit. Night Stalkers Don’t Quit.”
Leamon most recently served in 1st Bn., 160th SOAR (A) as the Battalion Command Sergeant Major, and has served in various assignments spanning the past 25 years.

Command Sgt. Maj. David Leamon (left) accepts the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment Colors from Col. Clayton Hutmacher, commander of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne), as he assumed responsibility from Command Sgt. Maj. Jake Elliott during a ceremony at Fort Campbell, Ky., on June 18, 2009. (160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment courtesy photo.)