

My grandfather was a B-29 pilot. Somewhere one of my uncles have the text book he had to memorize - I recall "classified" being stamped on many of the pages.

I got a bit choked up as she coughed a sputtered alive on the tarmac...thank you for sharing this.

Because I am a geek about such things, I found a longer streamed version of the ceremony if anyone is interested. Actual take off is around 1:05:00

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That's awesome!
I recently meet a WWII vet who was a navigator on both B17s and B29s.
I asked him how many missions he flew, he laughed and said "None!" He went on to explain that he arrived in Europe shortly before VE day, and Germany surrendered before he flew a mission. Then the Army sent him to the USA to retrain on B29s, and while he was still training, Japan surrendered. He considered himself pretty lucky.
I asked him what his impressions were on the differences were between the two aircraft, and he told me that the B29 was a generation ahead of the B17, a technological leap. He told me that the B29 was pressurized, which honestly I had no idea about. Pretty cool.