Interesting, I appreciate all your input.
1. - I've been looking at his photos from Ft. Benning, there's a shot from training in mid-air free fall where he is wearing a dark jumpsuit and a white helmet with his name on it. The rig looks like a TU or a PC, with what we called a "Bread" reserve on the chest. So no doubt he got his wings.
2.- Another photo is a HALO jump, O2 mask, black helmet, goggles, a back pack hanging under the parachute pack and what looks like a M-16 tucked away behind the left shoulder. The ground below looks similar to the other photo.
3.- He would never discuss specific operations with me, but at one point he said he was based at an airbase in Thailand. I've seen pics from the base, but can't remember the name.
4.- Oda322 has been a part of his handle and passwords and codes for just about everything.
5.- The dates I've had to piece together with his wife. There are two DD214s, with different DOBs and different job descriptions. Looks like he enlisted in 1965. Went through all kinds of courses incl. Heavy Weapons Leader (he was assigned an M60 at one pint). We have no papers from '66 or '67. All of a sudden he shows up in Ramstein, W. Germany with left shoulder injuries. Then it looks like he was transferred to Reserve status for the remaining 3 years while he went to college and got his legal degree. he went back into the service in '78 after graduating college and did Delta then?? not sure how that works but there's a lot of CIA paperwork... nothing significant or important, but its there.
This is just confusing as heck.
If someone was in the Atlanta area I could bring it all to a meeting to maybe get it all sorted out.