Pellet Gun vs. Real Gun


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
Vandy's supposed to have all of the "smart" kids in the SEC. This capped off a bizarre story. Bonus points: garbage proofreading.

The trio brought a pellet gun with them, as one put it, “to help get the phone back.”

The group pulled up next to the seller’s gray Buick sedan and Coppet got out with the pellet gun in his hand.

A man in the Buick then got out and shot at them with an actual handgun, while another man in the Buick fired a shotgun.

Daley was hit in leg. Coppet suffered birdshot wounds to his arms.

No word if Vandy's going to play from the shotgun formation this season.
First they stole his phone, then his car? Plus now he's probably going to muse his scholarship. Sucks to be that guy.
What a total shit show. That was just nonstop! Guess they never got the "know your enemy" chat. This is ridiculous.
We see these cases occasionally. In fact, my colleague had one a few days ago. We handle them a little bit differently.... :rolleyes:

I'm so curious. This gets me into trouble sometimes, but I'm going for it: How do you guys handle it?