PSA - WOOT "52 serving Prepper Food Pack"

I've been seeing their commercials more and more on T.V. They must be doing pretty well for themselves. I was always interested in buying one and giving it a try as my work day lunch just to see what I thought. On the way to the second job shortly, but they may be getting my business very soon.

Not that taste would matter if shit hit the fan of course, but has anyone on here tried them? Are they basically MRE's on steroids, or are the two not generally comparable. I remember trying MRE's during my Freshman year during a school workshop with the local National Guard unit. I think it was chicken tortellini (tetrazinni maybe? Is that even a word?) or some such that I tried. I didn't think it was that bad, but then again I don't have to eat them regularly.
I bought 3 of the larger tubs. Always consider potential snow/ice emergencies here in Minnesota - on more than one occasion I have been thankful need needing to be one of the sheep at the grocery store fighting over the last bottle of water or bag of Doritos just because we might get snowed in for a couple days. Not to mention the frequent summer thunderstorm power outages. Definitely have enough bottled water to last as needed, but just don't have enough room for cases of canned tomato soup. This is a nice compromise to get the family thru short to medium term crisis with proper rationing.
I was looking at another, not so good deal today of Wise food. Glad I saw this before I got the other one.
I just ordered this. thanks :thumbsup:
I bought 3 of the larger tubs. Always consider potential snow/ice emergencies here in Minnesota - on more than one occasion I have been thankful need needing to be one of the sheep at the grocery store fighting over the last bottle of water or bag of Doritos just because we might get snowed in for a couple days. Not to mention the frequent summer thunderstorm power outages. Definitely have enough bottled water to last as needed, but just don't have enough room for cases of canned tomato soup. This is a nice compromise to get the family thru short to medium term crisis with proper rationing.

I'm always well stocked on bottled water, and I generally have at minimum 6-7 cans of Campbells Chunky soup in the apartment at all times, but other than that I'm sure I'm sadly unprepared food wise per your guys standards. Being currently single with no kids living on my own, though, I only have myself to worry about, and I'll admit this type of thing can tend to slip my mind. That said I can always improve my odds, and it seems Wise Company is the best thing going right now. Having some around is going to be on the priority list on payday. Being in the city so close to Lake Michigan, we generally don't get hit too hard with large amounts of snow like the outlying areas, but the lake effect always makes for a mess in the roads. Winter weather aside, anything could happen at anytime, and whether it happens sooner or later, prepping can only be a good investment right.

Thanks for the post @Ooh-Rah! Not a half bad deal being offered at all I'd say.
At one time I had 14 cases of canned veggies, 300 gallon's of water, and normally a deep freeze packed with meat. Now, I keep rice and beans, and rotate. I still have canned veggies from 4 years ago, but that crap is bad for you. It collects dust, for a just in case. The rice and beans (three 5 gallon buckets of each) is now my go to storage food.

Great prices, I may pick up a few buckets after the first...
It all depends on what it is and how it's been packed. The challenge is that I like my "rations" to also function as good camping food, which is where the challenge lies. I also like to have a mix of dehydrated, prepackaged and prepped, and canned/standardish foodstuffs when available. My big thing with all of my "preps" is that everything has to be purposeful in day to day or at least quarterly use...