Devil’s advocate hat on.
Old Q = 34 weeks (5 wks SFOC, 6 wks SUT, 3 wks SERE, 16 wks MOS, 4 wks Sage).
Language is still language, and they’ve recently started doing gated PT tests and 5 milers to hold dudes accountable. I’ve been told a couple guys have actually been dropped in language in the newer classes for failing these gates.
SOCM is also unchanged from my understanding for the medics.
The old Q took two years because SWCS is unable to optimize it without a 5 week holdover between each phase it seems. If you do the math on it, if the old Q took 2 years, then this one will take about 1.5, so it’s not as crazy a cut as we make it seem. 24 weeks on paper can easily stretch out just as 34 weeks did previously. Also, 5 weeks they cut out were SFOC, which in my humble opinion was a useless course for anything other than the old gates/land nav, which I believe will now be in MOS, the new Phase I. I’d love to see land nav and the old 55 lbs dry standard brought back, as well as the SFPA when they do gates in MOS, but the ink is still drying on my 1059.
I do have concerns with removing 4 wks from MOS, which at least in the case of the medics is going to be a serious hindrance to the learning at SFMS. Also, the new “SUT” is still 6 weeks, but it’s restructured from my understanding in a way where I’m not sure how well soft skills/xrays will really pick it up. As it reads now, there’s 1 week of instruction, followed by 3 weeks of FID/teaching your partner force, and then 2 weeks of UW (evals). I know for me, it took longer than 1 week to learn SUT from scratch, so I’m curious to see how students will be able to teach something they glossed over for one week. Something tells me there will still be plenty of instruction in the FID section of the new SUT, and the Bravos/prior infantry guys in the classes are going to become infinitely more important to help the other guys along than they already are.
In conclusion/TLDR; I don’t think it’s going to be as crazy as it seems, but I would like to see the old gates returned and I do have some concern over the shortening of MOS. I am also quite curious how the new SUT is going to work.