Shawn Ryan Interview with former ST6 Senior Chief Chris Beck


Feb 14, 2012
Solid and extensive (6 hours) interview that just dropped. More interviewers need to take cues from Shawn Ryan on how to do their craft.

Great stories about his experiences on the Teams and working with support counterparts. He also touches on the backlash from elements in NSW about his initial MtF gender transition.

The video is marked at each talking point so you can just skip to whatever parts you want to listen to.

If anything, I highly recommend watching the "3 Seconds to Save a Life" deployment story segment at the very end of the video.

Solid and extensive (6 hours) interview that just dropped. More interviewers need to take cues from Shawn Ryan on how to do their craft.

Great stories about his experiences on the Teams and working with support counterparts. He also touches on the backlash from elements in NSW about his initial MtF gender transition.

The video is marked at each talking point so you can just skip to whatever parts you want to listen to.

If anything, I highly recommend watching the "3 Seconds to Save a Life" deployment story segment at the very end of the video.

That was a crazy interview. I wonder, do you think that guy is, I don't know, weird, eclectic perhaps?
I made it about an hour or so into the interview and that guy has problems. Even if the trans issue was never brought up, you could just tell in general the guy has some serious issues to work through. There are people dealing with problems and then there's that guy. It is the only SR podcast I turned off.

If I want to listen to a crazy person babble on, I'll watch a Joe Biden speech.
I’ve just started listening to some Shawn Ryan Podcasts in the last few weeks. Chris VanSant and Bob Poras specifically. Some great stories.

Those are two I most recently watched (I watch the YT vids while I eat lunch).

Cannot speak to this particular interview.

The interview with Van Sant was pretty raw; the dude has some demons. Very cool, the story about his AFO work in Somalia with the Rainbow Coalition (2 Delta guys, 2 DevGru guys, 2 AF STS guys).
That was a crazy interview. I wonder, do you think that guy is, I don't know, weird, eclectic perhaps?
Maybe (SOF folks can sometimes be on some level of different compared to other folks, for a variety of reasons), but his former team mates would probably be better able to say whether or not that was always his style, or if Gary Busey only started coming out after a few too many deployments.

To add to @DasBoot's point, it speaks to Ryan's patience and compassion as an interviewer and SEAL brother to let him do his thing that long without constantly interrupting him like others may be prompted to do.

I made it about an hour or so into the interview and that guy has problems. Even if the trans issue was never brought up, you could just tell in general the guy has some serious issues to work through. There are people dealing with problems and then there's that guy. It is the only SR podcast I turned off.

If I want to listen to a crazy person babble on, I'll watch a Joe Biden speech.
Well that's child's play when the babbler also comes with a built-in autosnooze trigger every half hour.
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I hate 6 hour long podcasts...and I don't have the time...but now you guys captured (ST6 reference) my interest.

I listen to them driving to (and sometimes from) work. I have a couple of podcasts in Spotify and if I can't find a current one I like, I'll work backwards down the playlist. I also skip through the commercials and other stuff. Shawn Ryan for example has a long lead in before the guest and then the "every guest receives a gift" segment. I think the longest episodes I listen to are Joe Rogan's podcasts and the shows have commercials I skip.

I also duck out when podcasts start wrapping up.

Treat them like a recorded TV show and your time spent listening is quite manageable.
I've tried to follow podcasts like these but I don't have the patience or the attention span. When I can learn how to smoke a 16 pound Texas BBQ style beef brisket during a 15 minute EweToob video - listening to folks prattle on like a tactical high capacity semi-automatic Jerry Springer assault host for hours on end just rips my asshole out through my pee hole.
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I can't listen to podcasts, my mind starts to wonder about 30 seconds in and the next thing I know I am partly through it and didn't hear a thing.

But I do pull them up on YouTube during lunch at work so I'll watch 30 minutes here, 30 minutes there.
Solid and extensive (6 hours) interview that just dropped. More interviewers need to take cues from Shawn Ryan on how to do their craft.

Great stories about his experiences on the Teams and working with support counterparts. He also touches on the backlash from elements in NSW about his initial MtF gender transition.

The video is marked at each talking point so you can just skip to whatever parts you want to listen to.

If anything, I highly recommend watching the "3 Seconds to Save a Life" deployment story segment at the very end of the video.

I watched the section that you recommended (3 Seconds to Save a Life) and I agree with what Beck said, everyone deserves a chance for us to be nice too (3 seconds). However, It is hard to know if a person is good or bad based on a one time encounter; we live in a very messed up world where everyone that we meet can be a bad person. For example Ted Bundy's girlfriend, Elizabeth Kloepfer, at first didn't know that her boyfriend (Ted Bundy) was a psychopath and serial killer whilst living with him; "People don't realize that murderers do not come out in the dark with long teeth and saliva dripping off their chin. People don't realize that there are killers among them. People they liked, loved, lived with, work with and admired could the next day turn out to be the most demonic people imaginable." I think this is why a lot of people are paranoid which is valid; we should still have caution when meeting new people; not everyone that we meet has to be a friend, sometimes is better to just leave the person alone.
I watched this in 3 sittings. As a woman over 60, with just a little military background, I wanted to hear what could possibly make a Navy Seal want to transition, with the stereotype there is of Navy Seals. After becoming a Christian, I struggled with the all the hate and madness going on in the USA today. I am very glad I watched this. I talked about this with my boss and said I didn't know if Chris was just that intelligent or what, for him to go off on so many rabbit trails, but I believe wholeheartedly that Shawn did an excellent job with the interview. I came away from it with an adjustment of wanting to hear what's really going on with those who have transgendered or have views very different from mine. Thank you to Shawn and especially to Chris for this interview... 3 Seconds to Save a Life ending segment captured very well how we can deescalate what is going on in our country. Kudos!