Starbucks and Wal-Mart: Veteran Controversies That Shouldn't Be?


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
I'm not mad at Wal-Mart for "Operation Green Light." I'm not mad at Starbucks for wanting to hire a bunch of refugees. I'm just glad for what both companies do for our Veteran Community. #ThankYou.

In most cases I see veterans seizing that opportunity to make a big difference in their communities. They are leading within the home, the corporate sector, small business, government and nonprofits. Sadly, I also see entitlement, outrage and misplaced attacks from those of us who fail to do the work and lazily fall for the title of the hottest “click bait” article in the news cycle. I see outrage and indignation with little to no understanding of the facts. And I see made up controversies. Two timely examples are with Walmart and Starbucks.

soldier with child.jpg
What a great article. 100% agree with the author. Veterans are fast becoming one of the more entitled groups in the country.