TACP Retraining Question


Feb 14, 2015
Greetings, I just met my 3 years of service so far in the Active Duty Airforce and am pursuing the cross train process to the TACP career field. I have one question back when I first re-enlisted I lost my oppurtunity as a civilian to come into TACP after failing my color vision test at MEPS,I can distinguish colors well and I have never had problems seeing them, that caused me to come into a career field that I did not dream of joining, but I still wanted to serve my country somehow or in the possible way. My question is if I exceed my PAST test scores, show that i have been a proffesionall and productive Airman for the pass 3 years of my career(no paperwork/Awards) is there any possible way of me getting a waiver? If this is a noobie question I apologize I have done my research in other forums and on the net, but I still do not have a affirmative answer. My dream is to be in this career field I want to be a candidate I want a chance. Thank You.
Sir, I just want to know if I have any options if I fail, I took one about a year ago and I barely failed it. Thank You for the response
A color vision waiver is possible, but it all depends on the situation. Everyone is in a drawdown right now. You'll have to talk to the 165th to see if they're doing waivers for that.
A color vision waiver is possible, but it all depends on the situation. Everyone is in a drawdown right now. You'll have to talk to the 165th to see if they're doing waivers for that.
Thank You Sir.. Ft.Polk is a short drive south from me and a buddie of mine is a TACP stationed there and he is aware of my situation. How exactly do you think I should go about contacting the 165th?
The 165th is an Air National Guard unit, so no. If you want to be active, you will not get to choose where you are stationed. You can fill out a dream sheet at the Schoolhouse, but it's 50/50.

ETA: My mistake on pimping the 165th to you. I got you mixed up with another TACP wannabe that had asked about the 165th.
Which test did you fail? I believe there are multiple tests to determine color blindness.

I was with someone in that failed the standard one (numbers on the plate - Ishihara test?), but passed the others. See if you can talk to a doc about this and try to get another type of test administered and see if you can pass that. If you can, then that should make getting a waiver easier.
The 165th is an Air National Guard unit, so no. If you want to be active, you will not get to choose where you are stationed. You can fill out a dream sheet at the Schoolhouse, but it's 50/50.

ETA: My mistake on pimping the 165th to you. I got you mixed up with another TACP wannabe that had asked about the 165th.
Copy That Sir. ive gone through a OFFICIAL AF waiver guide and it depends alot on situation but a waiver is attainable here is the link http://www.wpafb.af.mil/shared/media/document/AFD-130118-045.pdf
Which test did you fail? I believe there are multiple tests to determine color blindness.

I was with someone in that failed the standard one (numbers on the plate - Ishihara test?), but passed the others. See if you can talk to a doc about this and try to get another type of test administered and see if you can pass that. If you can, then that should make getting a waiver easier.
Thank You for the advice I will definetly look into that.
Greetings, I just met my 3 years of service so far in the Active Duty Airforce and am pursuing the cross train process to the TACP career field. I have one question back when I first re-enlisted I lost my oppurtunity as a civilian to come into TACP after failing my color vision test at MEPS,I can distinguish colors well and I have never had problems seeing them, that caused me to come into a career field that I did not dream of joining, but I still wanted to serve my country somehow or in the possible way. My question is if I exceed my PAST test scores, show that i have been a proffesionall and productive Airman for the pass 3 years of my career(no paperwork/Awards) is there any possible way of me getting a waiver? If this is a noobie question I apologize I have done my research in other forums and on the net, but I still do not have a affirmative answer. My dream is to be in this career field I want to be a candidate I want a chance. Thank You.

Have you looked in AFI 48-123?
Yes Sir, Again the waiver falls under a case by case bases as read in the AF Waiver Guide.

Right on. You didn't mention that in your initial post AND we have a lot of new guys in your situation who never do a damn thing for themselves, so we have to ask the question. I see it far, FAR too often in the real world (I'm a contractor working on a USAF contract) and here. It is maddening.

Good luck!
Right on. You didn't mention that in your initial post AND we have a lot of new guys in your situation who never do a damn thing for themselves, so we have to ask the question. I see it far, FAR too often in the real world (I'm a contractor working on a USAF contract) and here. It is maddening.

Good luck!
Yes Sir, heard that.. definetly not one of those types.
The 165th is an Air National Guard unit, so no. If you want to be active, you will not get to choose where you are stationed. You can fill out a dream sheet at the Schoolhouse, but it's 50/50.

ETA: My mistake on pimping the 165th to you. I got you mixed up with another TACP wannabe that had asked about the 165th.

50/50, shit. I was in one of the last classes to get jump right out of schoolhouse. I won the honor by academic and physical performance (300) on pt tests. Guess where my short straw put me. I had Bragg as top but got Ft. Hood. A graveyard for TACP.
Jump slots right out of the Schoolhouse still happen, but they are few and far between because of funding. The cadre had the flight leader and myself submit names in Block 3 for jump slots, but they ended up not having the money. I want to say there were like 3 dudes that got jump slots right out of Hurby during my few months there. ANG guys were automatically DQ'd from consideration for that as well.
Although SERE was still in pipeline then too. Jerk off to stay warm. Had to work over my supervisor to get Air Assault. They were not happy. That's what u get with someone who was ready for anything and put them in hell.