Greetings, I just met my 3 years of service so far in the Active Duty Airforce and am pursuing the cross train process to the TACP career field. I have one question back when I first re-enlisted I lost my oppurtunity as a civilian to come into TACP after failing my color vision test at MEPS,I can distinguish colors well and I have never had problems seeing them, that caused me to come into a career field that I did not dream of joining, but I still wanted to serve my country somehow or in the possible way. My question is if I exceed my PAST test scores, show that i have been a proffesionall and productive Airman for the pass 3 years of my career(no paperwork/Awards) is there any possible way of me getting a waiver? If this is a noobie question I apologize I have done my research in other forums and on the net, but I still do not have a affirmative answer. My dream is to be in this career field I want to be a candidate I want a chance. Thank You.