Disclaimer: I am not an African American male but I did grow up in a large east coast city, next to a large set of housing projects where on my side of the street were Philly cops, fireman and medics and the other side, shootings, drugs and drama everyday. Surreal to say the least. With that said, I grew up a few blocks from Philly's prison at that time, Holmesburg prison. Pop knew a few C.O.'s and I spent an hour in a cell to show me what I would get if I screwed the pooch. This was many years ago, now parents would go to jail for that.
Pop always told me that "if you are stopped by a cop, keep your fucking mouth shut, ears open, eyes open and hands in site. Do the fuck what they say". I was at baseball practice one night and walked home in the 8th. district. I was cutting through a side street next to the P.J.'s when a cop stopped me. He said, "come here fucker. What are you doing with that bat in here? I told him and he asked where my glove was. I left it at the field". He says, "give me the fucking bat and tell your pop to come pick it up". Pop did and I got a crack for doing that, even though I listened to the cop. Pretty retarded idea walking in the P.J.'s with a baseball bat and no evidence otherwise of baseball practice.
Now, in my job, I see drama all of the time and it never ceases to amaze me how people act like fucking assholes and then the cops are wrong.