this is what happens when you let children decide things...

The Hate Ape

SOF Support
Oct 6, 2011
West Coast
Stoneman Douglas students question new security measures regulating backpacks

In today's episode: young would-have-been extremely far left liberals now attend school in the Hunger Games Education System to learn what really happens when you substitute good common sense, morality, and situational awareness for extreme Government intervention. Fully kitted up/armed police in every corner - ID badges - clear backpacks and fenced off zones for flowing the little cattle through high-traffic areas.

Best part is the fact that they're all crying about it now.
The Me Generation jus got a dose of whining reality.
I just can't imagine what they expected to happen after demanding action following the deaths of 17 minors via Mass Shooting. Especially after the Vegas incident, the topic is so incendiary that considering the mass demonstration across the nation regarding the "March for our Lives" or whatnot - you could have seen this coming. It isn't like all gun owners were just going to toss their guns, no Felicia... welcome to the hunger games.
That March was put on and done by the left che loving socialist goatfuckers. Those kids had no idea what was happening especially Boss Hogg gun hater. Soon a fart in the wind. Zero fucks given.
Well, there lies the problem.

This is not a fart in the wind. Regulations are passing in various states - while I'm not an Armageddon type over Gun Regulation I can see the problem down near the horizon. The more people like gun regulation enthusiasts, feels police, and flat earthers are heard over people with common sense the more distraught and discombobulated the country becomes.
Well, there lies the problem.

This is not a fart in the wind. Regulations are passing in various states - while I'm not an Armageddon type over Gun Regulation I can see the problem down near the horizon. The more people like gun regulation enthusiasts, feels police, and flat earthers are heard over people with common sense the more distraught and discombobulated the country becomes.
This isn’t new. Been going on forever. I live in one of the most strict gun states. I find ways to keep my need for powder to burn. It’s a roller coaster. Comes and goes. Remember the libtards have been in charge for a long time. Going to take awhile to root them out. Not my number one on shit I worry about. Give it some time. If blm fades so does this. Make stupid laws. Idiots vote them in then bitch about it. Fuck um.