This may be the coolest thing you watch today...(well done, Navy)


Sep 12, 2012
Viral video of WWII veteran being honored at his Gardena home is melting hearts across the internet

Battleship USS Iowa museum crew member and WWII veteran Ernest Thompson is in his 90s and hasn't been able to come to the ship lately, so a group of Navy Chief Selects, brought the navy to him, singing "Anchors aweigh" in the middle of his residential street.

Ernest Thompson served on the USS Missouri during the war, the sister ship to the USS Iowa, based in San Pedro.

Worth a watch til the last handshake...

Thanks @Ooh-Rah, those types of videos just never get old.

Still hard to fathom that we're at a point where pretty soon these great men will have all left us for greener pastures and blue skies. We (especially us younger members on the board, and our generation in general) need to appreciate the little time we have left with these gentlemen, and learn as much as we can.