Trying to find a Way Back


May 4, 2015
San Angelo Tx
I am currently trying to re-enlist into a BA career field active duty or reserve. I enlisted into SOWT in 18 jan 2011 and was only in for less than 6 months. I had my daughters mom causing drama with the base commander and trying to have me charged with a fraudulent enlistment when she found out I was not marrying her and taking her with me. As soon as I returned home I began the process to get back in. I was approved by several Colonels but rejected by the civilian Chief Deputy Commander at Lackland AFB. I am waiting to test for the PJ reserve unit at Patrick again but it is currently frozen. Also, the active duty recruiter is waiting for Pre-service slots to open so I can PAST and apply for a slot. Is there anything I can do to speed this up or units open to test? I'm looking for some sort of help and/or guidance. It's been a rough journey but I'm not giving up. Thanks

Sir to be honest I'm not sure on my days in service. I was in a custody case while I was in and things got pretty crazy. CPS was contacted because some pictures yet had sent of my daughter and they spoke with me about my situation. They told me I could come back once this was settled but its been a hell of a time trying to get back in.
Sir to be honest I'm not sure on my days in service.
Well then, did you get an entry level discharge or some other type of Honorable, General, or worse discharge? Your DD-214 in addition to numbers of days on active duty also provides a Reentry (reenlistment) Code, Separation Code and other info that allows less guessing in giving an answer to your question.

Any recruiter determining your eligibility to reenter (reenlist) in the Air Force can give a more certain answer than anybody here can as also any AF Reserve or Air Guard Recruiter pertinent to your eligibility to enlist in the reserve components of the Air Force. .
I have worked with a recruiter but depending on quotas/stats, the amount of work, and the needs of career fields has made it hard in re-enlisting. I have tried to find a reserve recruiter. I contacted the 306th and could not test being from Texas. The 308th allowed me to test and I missed the swim by less than a minute and was invited back to test. They since then have made a lot of changes and have not been testing. I was not sure if there would be any contacts or units available to help. I apologize for wasting anyone's time I just want to get back into training and seeing this through.
I have worked with a recruiter but depending on quotas/stats, the amount of work, and the needs of career fields has made it hard in re-enlisting. I have tried to find a reserve recruiter. I contacted the 306th and could not test being from Texas. The 308th allowed me to test and I missed the swim by less than a minute and was invited back to test. They since then have made a lot of changes and have not been testing. I was not sure if there would be any contacts or units available to help. I apologize for wasting anyone's time I just want to get back into training and seeing this through.

You have a DD-214, don't be elusive, answer the questions asked of you.
I didn't not realize he asked. 2c, jga, entry level discharge. I just wanted to know if there are any reserve units because I've been working on getting in for years now. The recruiter I'm working with is now is waiting for pre-service to be allowed in active duty. I'm trying to find the fast route back in since I've been playing the waiting game for several years
I didn't not realize he asked. 2c, jga, entry level discharge. I just wanted to know if there are any reserve units because I've been working on getting in for years now. The recruiter I'm working with is now is waiting for pre-service to be allowed in active duty. I'm trying to find the fast route back in since I've been playing the waiting game for several years

Are you trying to get into the Reserves so you can go Active later? A "foot in the door" thing?
Yes sir. I am reaching the age limit for active duty and have been told it would be the easiest ad fast way to getting back into active duty. I'm to the point of taking a regular job in the military to try and cross train when available.
Yes sir. I am reaching the age limit for active duty and have been told it would be the easiest ad fast way to getting back into active duty. I'm to the point of taking a regular job in the military to try and cross train when available.
Your profile says you're 28. Enlistment age limit for USAF is 39...
Is this different for you because they're considering you prior service??
Yes sir. I am reaching the age limit for active duty and have been told it would be the easiest ad fast way to getting back into active duty. I'm to the point of taking a regular job in the military to try and cross train when available.

I'm not familiar with how the Reserves work, I was a Guard guy, but as a commander there's no way in hell I'd let you go Active unless A) I had to or B) you spent several years in the unit. You're taking training funds and a slot from someone who wants to be there. Maybe you'll find a unit to cooperate, maybe you won't.
I didn't not realize that was for active duty, I figured it was only reserves from my understanding.

For BA career fields this is a gamble. The attrition rate is about 80-90% so how can they decide who's going to make it and who's not? To not allow me to train because there's a possibility that I may fail but allowing the other dozens of trainees who will fail, wash out, and or be injured and sent home doesn't make sense. The last few PJs I talked to along with the Regional Director for my Congressman agreed that my situation was pretty shitty and my daughters mom was a pos. I had a lot of bs outside of training that was outside my control, when I met with the Msgt before they finalized my paperwork I was told I could come back and then I was pushed out the door to never return. I don't get the way of thinking or how things are run all I know is I trained for years before joining and for years after I was discharged. I have gone to college, been a single father, and worked several jobs and maintained my fitness levels at or around Ironman standards. So I don't get how I don't want to be there???
I didn't not realize that was for active duty, I figured it was only reserves from my understanding.

For BA career fields this is a gamble. The attrition rate is about 80-90% so how can they decide who's going to make it and who's not? To not allow me to train because there's a possibility that I may fail but allowing the other dozens of trainees who will fail, wash out, and or be injured and sent home doesn't make sense. The last few PJs I talked to along with the Regional Director for my Congressman agreed that my situation was pretty shitty and my daughters mom was a pos. I had a lot of bs outside of training that was outside my control, when I met with the Msgt before they finalized my paperwork I was told I could come back and then I was pushed out the door to never return. I don't get the way of thinking or how things are run all I know is I trained for years before joining and for years after I was discharged. I have gone to college, been a single father, and worked several jobs and maintained my fitness levels at or around Ironman standards. So I don't get how I don't want to be there???

After reading this thread a couple of times I still don't know why you were discharged.
You keep skirting around questions, which frankly is suspicious.

You missed the point of Freefalling's post. Why would anyone accept you into their unit, paying for all your training, just for you to up and leave for active duty? You would be taking away a slot from someone who wants to stay in that unit.

Your English needs attention too. If you want to be a PJ you'll need to fix that.

If your fitness is "at or around Ironman standards" why did you fail the swim test?
It took over a year and a half for me to return to active duty with the Air Force - with a completed enlistment, honorable discharge, RE-1, in a time of war - and I still had to take whatever AFSC they were offering.

Conversely you have an ELS and the Air Force is emerging from a period of downsizing personnel. I see a lot of "I" and "me" in your posts - the Air Force doesn't give a shit about your wants, needs and how well qualified you feel you are.

Prior service accessions are a slow process under the best of circumstances - which certainly does not apply here.

So at the end of the day, either you continue to wait, or you set your sights on something else.
The attrition rate is about 80-90% so how can they decide who's going to make it and who's not? To not allow me to train because there's a possibility that I may fail but allowing the other dozens of trainees who will fail, wash out, and or be injured and sent home doesn't make sense.
For whatever reason you failed to not only entry classify into an AFSC (awarded 3-skill level), you failed to complete your first enlistment successfully. This is for lack of a better description a double attrition or a double failure of human performance.

Although 2C doesn't make you ineligible to entry enlist back into the Air Force (which is why you were told you "could" come back in) the JGA separation code indicates "Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention".

I have gone to college, been a single father, and worked several jobs and maintained my fitness levels at or around Ironman standards. So I don't get how I don't want to be there???
Ironman standards was always a bunch of BS and fortunately that BS has been done away with. You either meet or exceed minimum fitness standards when officially administered the PAST or you do not.

Single father is actually a ineligible to enlist factor in itself, so not actually a plus considering should you enlist it likely bring with it external to your military duties parental obligations that are beyond your control.

Been to college strangely omits successfully completing a program of learning leading to a degree. Regardless there are abundance of college grads with diploma trying to enlist these days to avoid being burger flippers or baggers at the local grocery store.

So I don't get how I don't want to be there???
Every single individual contributing to being among the 80-90% who were eliminated from training (the causal of SIE, failed to train, medical, or other is irrelevant) started training with commitment to be there and a good many spend a frustrated life trying to get back into training with constant whining to everybody they want to be back in training and they don't get how anybody believes they don't want to be there. Well the problem is getting back in is not your entitlement or privilege particularly since you earned yourself an involuntary entry level separation from active duty military service in the Air Force with separation code indicating "Failure to meet minimum qualifications for Retention" brings with it accountability and unavoidable consequences.
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The reason for my "I" and "me" is because I am trying to get back in. I'm not stupid my family has all served I know how the military works. It's a one sided relationship and you just get screwed in the end. What I'm asking for is if anyone here has a contact or unit number so I can talk to someone who knows what's going on. I have chased my tail for the last few years and get the run around. Most numbers I have called send me to another number and after dozens of phone calls I'm returned to the original or the number is no longer valid and I spend time trying to track down the poc. I'm just asking for help or guidance, I didn't not come here to be judged or talked down to. I was told this site was to receive help and information on re-enlisting. I have learned in this field and military it's more who you know ad not what
I understand completely everything everyone is saying. I have to live with my choices. What I'm saying is I'm not some kid who couldn't do it my daughter was neglected and the military intervened and CPS because my daughter was abused. I get this and I accept it. I'm asking for guidance to a reserve contact so I can test and get back in. The reserve unit I was testing with is currently frozen. I'm looking to get in ASAP. The whole poor me bs is not poor me but me displaying that I'm not some kid who played too much call of duty and got a reality check. I get that no one cares about my degree, my level of fitness, my responsibilities he'll I don't. I'm simply trying to show how serious I am about going back. The reason I mentioned this is because of how many kids who enter simply because they cannot disassociate themselves from the gaming world and reality and enter thinking its going to be call of duty. All I'm asking is if anyone knows a contact. I'm a firm believer in actions speak louder than words. I just want to speak with and test for a unit. I don't know if there are any reserve service members on this site but after speaking with the unit and recruiter I had a shot at joining its just that they are currently frozen and not hiring until further notice.
Most numbers I have called send me to another number and after dozens of phone calls I'm returned to the original or the number is no longer valid and I spend time trying to track down the poc.
Well none of the units on the Air Force Reserve and Air Guard side of the house are going to seriously consider or even talk to you until the respective AF Reserve Recuiter or Air Guard Recruiter gives verification you are eligible to enlist. These units also cannot go over manned so those considered are considered for vacancies to be filled. This having no vacancies to fill is why unit has a frozen status of not being able to consider anybody for screening and selection.

Further the reserve component screening and selection due to the waiting list of applicants is a bit more scrutinizing than encountered in getting the GTEP contract for the entry into active duty enlistment. The following has been posted on forums since 30 Apr 2015.

306 RQS Assessment: Saturday 11 Jul 2015 at Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson AZ

306 RQS will hold its next Assessment on Saturday, July 11th, 2015 at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, AZ to screen potential Pararescue and Combat Rescue Officer candidates.

Prior to you being invited to assess, you will need to build an application package. Contact me via email or phone (see contact info below) for application instructions.

You will also need to work with the Air Force Reserve Recruiter in your local area and have the recruiter process you through the Military Entry Processing Station (MEPS). The MEPS process will determine your eligibility to enlist in the Air Force Reserve, both physically and administratively. Once your recruiter has contacted me to assure me that you've been determined 100% eligible to enlist, and your complete application package has been submitted to me, then you will be invited to the assessment.

*Note: If you currently belong to the Air Force Reserve, then you do not need to work with a Reserve recruiter.

Should you successfully complete the assessment, and are offered a position as a PJ or CRO candidate, the 306th RQS will work with your recruiter to finalize the enlistment process.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or to request the application PDF.

Robert C. Hutchison, TSgt
306 RQS / DOS

Office: (520) 228 7810
(520) 228 7810
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@Onesimo I'm not going to play Internet Tough Guy but you have a long row to hoe. I know, as in "not just online" @Raksasa Kotor and his background. If he fought for a year and a half for a BA slot but had to take whatever was offered, then your odds are exceptionally long. That isn't to say "stop trying" but the AF doesn't welcome prior service.

As for the Reserves, you failed one PAST test. Couple that with zero open slots and you can see that a unit may be wary of even allowing you to try out. Also a "closed" slot just means someone's in the Pipeline. That guy may bomb some aspect of it or otherwise fail out. A slot could open up on short notice, or they are very scarce to begin with, so you'll need to absolutely CRUSH the PAST if you want a shot. You'll need to demonstrate you are the clear #1 who's also destroyed the standards. Right now, your track record is anything but the above.

You should drop "ASAP" from your timeline and accept that a BA position is a winning lottery ticket. Cross training on AD isn't s given so the Reserves may be less inclined to allow you a shot from say POL Specialist to PJ.

This distills down to "You're going to wait and the closest you may get to being a PJ is your failed PAST test. How bad do you want to wear a uniform in any capacity?"
I didn't not realize that was for active duty, I figured it was only reserves from my understanding.

For BA career fields this is a gamble. The attrition rate is about 80-90% so how can they decide who's going to make it and who's not? To not allow me to train because there's a possibility that I may fail but allowing the other dozens of trainees who will fail, wash out, and or be injured and sent home doesn't make sense. The last few PJs I talked to along with the Regional Director for my Congressman agreed that my situation was pretty shitty and my daughters mom was a pos. I had a lot of bs outside of training that was outside my control, when I met with the Msgt before they finalized my paperwork I was told I could come back and then I was pushed out the door to never return. I don't get the way of thinking or how things are run all I know is I trained for years before joining and for years after I was discharged. I have gone to college, been a single father, and worked several jobs and maintained my fitness levels at or around Ironman standards. So I don't get how I don't want to be there???
You had to leave the pipeline, making yourself one of those 80%.
Crush the PAST and re-enter the pipeline, or find another job.
Loadmaster or Gunner may not be as glamorous as PJ, but they are still vital to the Rescue Mission.
Good luck.