Trying to track down an Army Ranger for a friend


Sep 12, 2012
A friend from another forum I post on is trying to find someone, he's had no luck. It turns out a mutual friend of both (who served with the Ranger I am trying to find), recently took his own life and my friend wants to be sure that the Ranger is aware and has the option to attend his buddy's funeral if he so chooses.

Because of the nature of the topic, I am not cool with posting the Ranger's name on the open forum, but here is what I will share:

He is/was a Master Sgt.
From what I know he is/was a Ranger and may have been SF.
He may have been an instructor. He was active duty as of 2013.
The local recruiting station did a global email search and he doesn't come up so he may be retired?

Please PM me if you think you might be able to help, I will give you the name and respond with the the personal info of the person trying to find him. Obviously at that point it will be up to the MSgt as to whether or not he chooses to reach out to the person seeking him.

Thanks for any assistance -
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