UTS-15, not so much. I know some guys that have the other one from keltec... and that thing is horrid.
Malfunctions that require disassembling to unfuck. Failures to... well, do everything.
I think the UTS has more testing behind it to ensure it works.
Having watched the video... erm, not something I'd want.
Only thing it really has going for it is that it's double the capacity of a "normal" shotgun, and that you can switch it up between 2 ammo types if you wanted to. That's it.
Reloading on the fly ain't happening until you clear a mag, too much futzing around. Yeah, you could work it by running one tube dry then reloading... but generally speaking the weapon design and manual of arms just isn't "flowing"
Looks cool, great for if it never really leaves a vehicle or a house.... but it sure as hell ain't a woods gun.