VA Covers Up Sex Abuse Of PTSD Patients?


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
This happened almost a year ago, I thought we had a thread on it already but I searched for it and didn't find one.

The medical professional in question, Mark E. Wisner, PhD, P.A., is a retired major in the Kansas National Guard and is facing felony and misdemeanor charges for a variety of medical improprieties that range from sexual propositions and molestation of male veterans suffering from post traumatic stress to, in one case, allegedly attempting to sodomize an unconscious male veteran seeking treatment.

I remember this being talked about here. It might have been in the larger, overarching thread on the issues with the VA.

This guy needs to be punished to the maximum extent possible. What a POS.
See there it is....first they try and get in your mind and than they try to get into your booty hole. And my wife wonders why i don't like those people who always want to talk about feelings and gayness. It's not that I'm unemotional, I just don't want to be banged in the doo-doo-hole by some creepy soft handed tard in a white coat...or by anyone else for that matter.

VA mental health system, its like prison, but with white coats and soft hands. :evil: