What's your social credit score?


Special Forces
Verified SOF
Sep 18, 2010
Discredited if you watch porn or are late returning a rented bike?

Between those two things...Pretty much covers everybody here.
Mine = 76 (out of 1,000,000): You should be closely-monitored and allowed only infrequent online activities; exhibits random personal outbursts in online forums pertaining to animals, couture, Paula Deen, and cult movies of the 70s and 80s; frequent attempts to match random online forum members with single overweight cousin; trolls every left-of-center website by commenting "...that's what she said" at the end of every sentence. Modest danger to the state, but grave danger to himself and Lithuanian singers.
"Say something that gets censored, you lose points. Same if you watch porn, or are late in returning a rented bike, or buy lots of alcohol"

I buy lots of alcohol....just sayin
Is this based on what I look at through the regular browser pages, or does it know about the Incognito windows as well?????

Is this based on what I look at through the regular browser pages, or does it know about the Incognito windows as well?????


Except your phone at least remebers the words you type while Incognito still. My wife always gives me a strange look when she always sees midget and crayon on my opening three words.
I use different terms on different platforms. When I still posted on FB, I used 'ftaghn' instead of 'fuck', as I do here.

Bet that threw them off.

Take away the right to say ‘fuck’ and you take away the right to say ‘fuck the government.'

Lenny Bruce