Why we hate the time change

x SF med

the Troll
Verified SOF
Jan 1, 2007
Not far from the south of Canada, 'Murica!
SOF Mentor
My reasoning.... I work overnight doing computer service work over multiple time zones... and it begs the question... What time is it? because there are rolling overlapping coincidental times for 3 hours. Well, that and the fact it allows for issues in temporally based transactional processing schema.

And.... where does that hour go? Into a time bank somewhere to be held in non interest bearing escrow until November? Really? Where is it?
I hate it mostly because I don't have an hour to give away. It just makes me more tired than I already was.

That's one of the things I liked about living in Hawaii -- among other things -- no time change.
Alaska is voting to do away with it. I would agree but that would then put us 5 hours behind the East Coast making business affairs much more difficult.
It's weird being on the same timezone as the next eastern timezone. Barbados and NY are not in the same time zone and yet during DST, it's the same time in both places. That's just weird. Spring forward my rear.
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... Barbados and NY are not in the same tiresome and yet during DST, it's the same time in both places. ....

NY is tiresome, Barbados is relaxing. So, although there is something really wrong with this statement, I will have to agree with it, in principle, because NY and Barbados are not in the same tiresome.
NY is tiresome, Barbados is relaxing. So, although there is something really wrong with this statement, I will have to agree with it, in principle, because NY and Barbados are not in the same tiresome.

:wall: I really should not write when I'm tired. Flutter kicks for my errors, followed by bed.