WTF!! antifa compared to WWII vets??!!!


FO 81MM Wpns. 3/23
Verified Military
Feb 13, 2017
So my wife sent me this link....

How DARE MSM Compare WWII Veterans To This Scum

Apparently an editor for Esquire magazine posted a "tweet" or something like it attempting to justify "antifa" and their violent protests by linking "antifa's" cause to what WWII veterans fought against....

WTF!!!! I know where to begin, but I won't light the match on that tyraid, Mods would ban me for explicit content & extreme profanity.

Don't bother reading through the comments in the link it is a waist of time. The level of idiocy some have & the other moronic dribble is just astounding. Pitiful, absolutely pitiful!

Where to begin....

The main-stream-media (MSM) did not make the comparison. In fact other than a few websites I've never heard of, I could find no reference to the tweet online. John Hendrickson has made no public comment on the Tweet, making it difficult to know his intent.

Mods would ban me for explicit content & extreme profanity.
I highly doubt that. Have you followed the "dot" thread or protest thread?

That said, are you really "that" upset over the fact that an extremely liberal editor at an extremely liberal magazine made that post?

Look, I don't like WW2 vets (or any Vets for that matter) having their pictures used as a meme for someone's political agenda, but it's not exactly a new tactic.

the link it is a waist of time.
It's "waste" :sneaky:
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Where to begin....

The main-stream-media (MSM) did not make the comparison. In fact other than a few websites I've never heard of, I could find no reference to the tweet online. John Hendrickson has made no public comment on the Tweet, making it difficult to know his intent.

I highly doubt that. Have you followed the "dot" thread or protest thread?

That said, are you really "that" upset over the fact that an extremely liberal editor at an extremely liberal magazine made that post?

Look, I don't like WW2 vets (or any Vets for that matter) having their pictures used as a meme for someone's political agenda, but it's not exactly a new tactic.

It's "waste" :sneaky:

I am following & I have posted in the "Another Protest" thread.

I diseminated in my OP that the link heading was incorrect and that it was unclear where the "post" I reference originated.

Yes I am upset about the attempt to equate the two. The "facist" threat IMO is contrived, do white supremacists exist? Yes, but they are a small number - in relation to the millions in USA who are not.

I feel that sentiment is a glimps into a larger cultural problem with people trying to co-op Real Valor.