Zuckerberg Calls for Government Regulations

I need to read that a little bit further and internalize what that means.

But from my initial skim- that’s a huge move towards ‘utility’ and ‘regulation’ and not ‘social media without bounds’.
Does Facebook need regulating? Same with Twitter? If they're going to let those of "leftist leanings" run amok with their hate speech but only go after/throttle those with "right leanings" then you need to remove the scepter of power from Zuck and Jack's hands. However, creating the regulatory agency for this is gonna be PITA.
Our idiots in charge are already working on this to "protect" the election coming up. In the mean time they are going overboard on trying to link our Conservative Party to right wing extremists. It seems that the "liberal" politicians worldwide are following the same rulebook, as if there's some Globalist conspiracy.

Regulate social media, says Canadian parliamentary committee

Democratic institutions minister asks committee to look at regulating social media | CBC News

Canada considering forcing social media companies to remove extremist content
Does Facebook need regulating? Same with Twitter? If they're going to let those of "leftist leanings" run amok with their hate speech but only go after/throttle those with "right leanings" then you need to remove the scepter of power from Zuck and Jack's hands. However, creating the regulatory agency for this is gonna be PITA.

I don’t think it should regulated at the company level but at the commodity instead. Personal data should be considered personal property.

Pictures, posts, personal info (demographics, likes, etc) should owned like cars, boats, housing, and stuff. If owners want to rent or Airbnb-type activity, they should be compensated but if they post virtual “no trespassing” signs, that should be honored.

Government “regulation” picks a winner and loser. The winner has more lobbying power.

Edit: never did understand the election integrity thing. Does Facebook allow voting in any election?
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Does Facebook need regulating? Same with Twitter? If they're going to let those of "leftist leanings" run amok with their hate speech but only go after/throttle those with "right leanings" then you need to remove the scepter of power from Zuck and Jack's hands. However, creating the regulatory agency for this is gonna be PITA.
I think you answered your own question.

We talked about it- but it’s dependent on ‘is this a utility or is it a platform’. We haven’t gotten there.

It’s definitely a complex question- if you don’t want Twitter/FB regulated by some sort of third party, then you’re subject to whatever those companies want to regulate. If you fall in camp one? Don’t bitch when you get banned because you posted a #MAGA meme or a pedophile joke or misgender a bilogocal male or get all Alt-Righty or deadname a foxkin.

If you fall in camp 2, and you want regulation to put an end to all that targeted moderation (so mean)? That leads to a lot of follow on questions about what is/isn’t cool to post, who does the regulation, and what constitutes a valid legal/constitutional reason to restrict someone’s ability to speak freely.
I have the same beef with Facebook and Twitter allowing ISIS to use the platform to communicate and spread propaganda without consistently handing over the information to a targeting group. It's a bit big brother esque, but that shouldn't really require a warrant, just a good head on the shoulders of an executive.
Nice move & quite sensible, how can you modify your business plan if you really don’t have one? Call the policy wonks to sort it out. Regulation is long overdue in this area & can potentially lead to constraints to AI as well.
Nice move & quite sensible, how can you modify your business plan if you really don’t have one? Call the policy wonks to sort it out. Regulation is long overdue in this area & can potentially lead to constraints to AI as well.
I think it's more about making sure he doesn't lose market share than any noble reasons.
I think it's more about making sure he doesn't lose market share than any noble reasons.
As an aside, I don’t have Faceplant & I’m sure there’s an element of business acumen involved. But some govt. oversight or probity needs to be considered & maybe NIST can provide some guidance. As a minimum, some standards which can provide a framework & at the maximum end legislation. If done well, Internet security can improve overall.
Zuckerberg is a reptilian from planet Nibiru with relatives living in the Draco constellation - there is no way he is human like some of us.
He is only interested in regulation now because he knows it will help limit his competition.