American UN Advisor Kidnapped in Congo


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
An American was among a handful of UN workers kidnapped in Congo a few days ago.

Maybe we can re-focus some of those assets dedicated to going after the Lord's Resistance Army and get our guy back.
Kamuina Nsapu is one of the more troublesome militias in Kasai and has threatened journalists for reporting atrocities. The group has a FaceBook page (of course :rolleyes:), but hasn't issued any communiques lately. It wouldn't surprise me if they were behind this. According to some reports I've seen, Mr. Shaw was negotiating with militias to stop recruiting child soldiers. Hopefully, he and the other captives will be released or rescued soon but KN has filled some mass graves in Kasai. Some background:
Personally, there are times that I would like to go "Ghengis Khan" on people...and this is one of those times.
Great find, A!!

Why the hell did Sweden have to take lead on this?

The kid was an EMU grad just up the road from us. Where in the hell was the US State Dept in all this?

Michael Sharp's coworker and fellow investigator Zaida Catalan was a Swede working for the UN. She was killed with him...beheaded by the kidnappers.

Marauder and I have a mutual acquaintance who was his coworker at a different time in her career. She confirmed State Dept and UN were working this case.
That puts things in a little better light. I am glad to hear there has been some action taken and an arrest has been made. The bulk of the news has been focused in other places, and last month seems, somehow, to be farther away than it really is.

I'm still a little leery of the arrest announcement. I'd like to see some confirmation from DoS.
About Michael Sharp and Zaida Catalan (Swedish) working for the UN:
The Congo goverment has a video showing them killed by being shot. In Sweden there speculations that it was not the milisia killing them but instead the goverment.

Below part/quoute what Swedish media (who them selfs probably quoted RFI Radio France Internationale) says about the video.

"Those shooting - who consistently stay outside the camera - are constantly switching languages.
The men, according to the government, belong to the Kamwina Nsapu guerrillas, speak in Lingala and French, the languages used by the government army. And when they switch to tshiluba, the guerrilla language, according to RFI, they commit several language errors. Even the fact that the area, where the UN experts were killed, were controlled by the Congolese army puzzling."
Of course the Congolese govt was involved, that's a no brainer. Welcome to Africa.
Trust me, being shot to death in the Congo is a mercy compared to the other alternatives. Another reason why I think the govt was involved.
5-million dead in the wars & rebellions and conflicts since 1996. What's a few more? No UN peacekeeping force will ever keep the peace because there's no such thing. It's an ethnicity-based failed state with hundreds of protagonists all opposed to each other and motivated by greed. Throw in inscrutable businessmen, child soldiers, voodoo and some really whacked out religious fanatics and you've got the dumpster fire that is the DRC.

But, I understand, a fascinating and lively place to visit so long as you don't get kidnapped and hacked to pieces with a machete.
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