Iraq and ISIS Discussion


SOF Support
Feb 5, 2011
Dallas Metro Area
As expected.......

Militants on Tuesday seized the airport, TV stations and governor's offices in Mosul, Iraq's second-largest city, as police and soldiers ran from their posts -- a stunning collapse of the security forces that has raised questions about Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's ability to hold the country together.

The militants are believed to belong to the extremist group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, an al Qaeda splinter group also known by its acronym ISIS. These fighters are believed to include many from outside Iraq, senior police officials said.

Within Mosul, militants managed to take control of security checkpoints, military bases and a prison, where they freed up to 1,000 prisoners, authorities said.
Who gives a fuck.
They had their chance and thought poking us in the eye was more important then long-term stability.

You said "ha ha" and Nelson came immediately to mind!


Decent article. It mentions Maliki's lack of leadership but does not address his decision to completely remove US troops from the country (minus embassy personnel). We offered to stay with a large amount of trainers and advisors. His loss. I hope the police captain I worked with is still alive. He was as of 2009...
That is the crux. Maliki was more concerned with saving face and kicking us in the teeth.
The people who voted, voted along Tribal and Religious lines ignoring capability.
The People of Iraq planted the seeds, to quote Bill Clinton, "We gave them a chance"
They had their chance to make good, but sometimes shit's trumps.
But what now? Does ISIS consolidate or continue expanding? They've just won Lotto with the banks in Mosul & now have more more money that OBL ever had.
Do they build a cheery Islamic Disneyland & start to govern? Or do they crack on & continue the offensive?
I'm curious as to what will happen to the supply of oil if the islamists take over the country.