Joint SOF/FBI training raid hits... wrong room


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Well, that's unfortunate.
Authorities in Boston are reporting that a botched training exercise involving both Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) and the FBI at a local hotel resulted in the wrong room being hit… and an innocent person being rolled up. It is unclear which ARSOF unit was involved in the training, but the Army’s Delta Force is often involved in targeting high-value individuals and conducting hostage rescues.


O_o I bet they still blame it on intel.

The cause of the screwup was not revealed in initial reporting about the incident, other than to say that it was the result of “inaccurate information.”

Yep. There it is.
Sheesh. Imagine whoever that was that got rolled up?? Crazy. Also, super dangerous for the agents/operators.
For sure. I'm just imagining a more-comedic version wherein the civilian who got rolled up is literally shitting his pants and the operators are thinking "Damn, the OPFOR in this scenario really committed to the role-play!"
For sure. I'm just imagining a more-comedic version wherein the civilian who got rolled up is literally shitting his pants and the operators are thinking "Damn, the OPFOR in this scenario really committed to the role-play!"
This is what I kept thinking about, the guys doing the interrogating are going even harder, because the dude is “so committed” to resisting!
There are lots of people (a bunch on this board) that would not react well to an unmarked tac team making entry to their house. Glad this one was just a heinous violation of civil rights and not deadly.
If I was in Boston I couldn't be legally armed, which means I probably wouldn't have been armed, which means I probably would have just gotten my ass beat by the entry team and been a fat, naked, sweaty, crying mess on the floor.
Is this story about the Delta pilot who got his own little personalized, yet unexpected SERE training experience?

Dude was just chillin all cozy in his hotel room, catching some Zzz's, probably before a morning flight, then had to stand in the shower (and probably not a warm one) for 45 min. while a bunch of armed dudes yelled crazy shit at him.

That would suck.
Can we back up a bit and talk shit about the bad information and how Intel was at fault?

This is where it's at for me. Does the hotel have any responsibility or culpability? Did they not clear the right room or floor? Did they rent the room when they shouldn't have? Who was on ISR, and what did they not get? Seems to me there was a breakdown in the planning process. As bad as the raid itself was, it never would have happened if it wasn't for a problem with giving the entry team bad gouge on where to go.
Can we back up a bit and talk shit about the bad information and how Intel was at fault?
Who knows. Here's my guesses:

1) Operator error - miscalculation (this may be too general)
2) Cadre - equipment bricked "too good"
3) Higher - couldn't/didn't/wouldn't get the authorization of capabilities guys on the ground needed.
4) Defective new equipment

Hopefully it was defective equipment.
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There are lots of people (a bunch on this board) that would not react well to an unmarked tac team making entry to their house. Glad this one was just a heinous violation of civil rights and not deadly.

It was a delta airlines pilot, in a hotel room. Probably the least likely to be armed person.