Jussie Smollett thread (most recent updates on Page 4)

I know that this is the hilarious take to have in the wake of the Jussie Smollett incident, but it bears repeating that extremist killings were up 35% last year, and nearly all of them were linked to right wing extremist groups Extremist-related killings in 2018 'overwhelmingly linked to right-wing' movements: ADL
(Stat is courtesy of the ADL)

The lefties may like high taxes but they have a low body count. Maybe we’re too busy manufacturing hate crimes to shoot up a Cracker Barrel?

There's nothing hilarious about any of this, whether it be Smollett and the innumerable fake hate crimes taking place in our country, or right-wing extremism. And the response still does not address the question of whether fake hate crimes are outstripping real ones. They may or may not be, I don't know. There is a whole spectrum of crimes that are less than shooting the place up. But nice try at deflecting the discussion. "What about the hate crimes on the extreme right?"
There's nothing hilarious about any of this, whether it be Smollett and the innumerable fake hate crimes taking place in our country, or right-wing extremism. And the response still does not address the question of whether fake hate crimes are outstripping real ones. They may or may not be, I don't know. There is a whole spectrum of crimes that are less than shooting the place up. But nice try at deflecting the discussion. "What about the hate crimes on the extreme right?"

The FBI tracked approximately 7,100 hate crime incidents in 2018, an increase of about 17% over 2017. So unless there’s literally thousands of hate crimes being reported, I think the answer is “No”.

Source: FBI data shows sharp rise in US hate crimes
I know that this is the hilarious take to have in the wake of the Jussie Smollett incident, but it bears repeating that extremist killings were up 35% last year, and nearly all of them were linked to right wing extremist groups Extremist-related killings in 2018 'overwhelmingly linked to right-wing' movements: ADL
(Stat is courtesy of the ADL)

The lefties may like high taxes but they have a low body count. Maybe we’re too busy manufacturing hate crimes to shoot up a Cracker Barrel?
Sorry, bro, but I call bullshit.

Trying to attribute crimes like murder to "extremist" is just a false narrative. Murder rate is a whole is declining...significantly. So, what is the real story here?

FBI said:
In 2017, the estimated number of murders in the nation was 17,284. This was a 0.7 percent decrease from the 2016 estimate, a 20.7 percent increase from the 2013 figure, and a 5.0 percent rise from the number in 2008.

There were 5.3 murders per 100,000 people in 2017. The murder rate in 2017 was down from the rates in 2016 (1.4 percent) and 2008 (2.0 percent). However, the murder rate climbed 17.3 percent when compared with the 2013 rate.

U.S. Murder Rate for 2018 Is on Track for a Big Drop
NY Times said:
The murder rate in the United States in 2018 is on track for the largest one-year drop in five years.

The numbers obviously aren’t final, and the F.B.I. won’t formally report 2018’s murder figures until September 2019.

But based on a comparison of 2017 data and 2018 data for 66 large American cities (population over 250,000), we can observe the trend as it is occurring and offer a reasonable forecast. (The 2018 data I’ve collected is available here).

Murder rose 23 percent nationally between 2014 and 2016 before leveling off in 2017. Major increases in murder in Chicago and Baltimore received much of the national attention, but the increase occurred throughout the country...
NY Times said:
If murder falls about 4.5 percent nationally this year, the murder rate of about 5 per 100,000 will roughly be in line with 2009’s rate and half of what it was in 1980, the highest U.S. murder rate on record. The accompanying chart shows what the national murder rate since 1960 would look like with a 4.5 percent drop in 2018.

Tracking the change in murder nationally is far easier than explaining why it’s happening. There is still no consensus on why murder rose nationally in 2015 and 2016, though various theories have been proposed, including simple randomness.

Aside: I find it interesting how PC we've become as a society. Check out the disclaimer at the bottom of the FBI Releases 2017 Crime Statistics
Caution Against Ranking: Each year when Crime in the United States is published, some entities use the figures to compile rankings of cities and counties. These rough rankings provide no insight into the numerous variables that mold crime in a particular town, city, county, state, tribal area, or region. Consequently, they lead to simplistic and/or incomplete analyses that often create misleading perceptions adversely affecting communities and their residents. Valid assessments are possible only with careful study and analysis of the range of unique conditions affecting each local law enforcement jurisdiction. The data user is, therefore, cautioned against comparing crime data of individual reporting units from cities, metropolitan areas, states, or colleges or universities solely on the basis of their population coverage or student enrollment.
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Smollett will probably get an award for something as soon as the left can figure out the proper venue.

Maybe he could host the Oscars?
Oh goody! You know, I hadn't really thought about the letter being mailed. That is a rookie mistake.
And just like that, federal charges are pending.
Smollett threat letter called "enormous mistake"; Purported attack location identified; Federal charges "certain"

Smollett will probably get an award for something as soon as the left can figure out the proper venue.
Maybe he could host the Oscars?
Gonna have to be from the federal pen @Box. But it does sound like the proper venue.
I should say that this is not meant to knock conservatives, or conservatism in general. It’s just that there was a marked increase last year in extremist-related murders and the murderers, due to whatever factors may have been present, were almost always associated with right wing groups.

Source? Your ADL link cited attacks but didn’t attribute like you just did. But because you WANT it to be true that MAGA hats are terrorizing the US doesn’t mean it’s true.
Oh goody! You know, I hadn't really thought about the letter being mailed. That is a rookie mistake.
And just like that, federal charges are pending.
Smollett threat letter called "enormous mistake"; Purported attack location identified; Federal charges "certain"

Gonna have to be from the federal pen @Box. But it does sound like the proper venue.

Hey Jussie, read this:

Terrorism Hoax
Terrorism hoax is a felony. A person convicted of terrorism hoax shall be punished by imprisonment in the State Penitentiary for a term of not more than ten (10) years. In addition to any punishment imposed for the act of terrorism hoax, the person shall be ordered to make restitution to the victim and to reimburse the cost of any emergency personnel, equipment, supplies, and other expenses incurred by the state and any political subdivision as a result of responding to such act.
Top 5 questions about Bernie’s campaign- why, why, why, why and why.

You guys are all so harsh to Jussie. Honestly the whole noose thing was the best acting he’s done all year.

Hey man, wanna grab some Subway? It's 2am and I'm starving. Don't forget that bleach and noose we just bought in case we run into that dude we just sent that letter too. MAGA!
Opinion piece arguing that Smolett was motivated by hate against a race. Interesting implications and worthy of a honest discussion, in my opinion.

From Right leaning Daily Wire.

The FBI defines "hate crime" this way: "A criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin."

Smollett's offense was indeed committed against a "society," or a group, with the objective of engendering outrage and suspicion toward that group. In fact, his hatred of whites was so great that he was prepared to let two random white people take the fall for the hoax — until he found out that the persons of interest picked up by cops were his Nigerian buddies. This is a man whose bigotry constitutes a threat to civilized society. Let him face the consequences that he would have happily allowed innocent white men to face. Prosecute him and maybe the next hate crime hoaxer will think twice.

WALSH: Jussie Smollett Should Be Charged With A Hate Crime
Regarding the "MAGA kid" lawsuit:

Would it be cool if he did succeed in that lawsuit against the WP? Sure.
Would it be a good thing in the long run? I don't think so.

If he were to be successful in this suit, the precedent set would most definitely lay a groundwork that leftist groups would use against rightwing media organizations.

Throw in the fact that both Trump and Justice Thomas want to Ease restrictions on libel laws and it could create environment were lawsuits against news orgs become common political weapons.

He definitely should be suing (I imagine we'll know for sure in a week or so) those who Doxxed him or called for violence against him.
Hell, he may even have a good chance of suing The Root for that "it wasn't racist but he's still racist" article, and other such opinion pieces.
As seen in the Left’s rebuttal to the SOTU address, this author wrote about the problem with the Left:

However, Smollett and the leftist media have a broader focus for their hatred than this president. They hate America. The alleged Smollett attack was designed not merely to prove that this president and his supporters are bigots, but to demonstrate once again that America is a hateful place where racism and homophobia run rampant.

No matter what this president does to improve the lives of women, minorities, and all Americans, from the left's perspective, he is beyond redemption because he is the symptom. America is the disease. The left views us as a nation of white supremacy, white privilege, racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, inequality, oppression, corporate greed, and international imperialism. Instead of "America the Beautiful," they see ugly Americans. Instead of the "land of the free and the home of the brave," they see a land of the selfish and home of the brutal. Instead of compassionate people, they see planetary parasites and climate deniers dragging the world to cataclysmic destruction.

They see America as the world's nightmare. We drive SUVs, eat rich foods, and enrich billionaires while the world starves. We believe in a judgmental God, a bigoted Bible, and an antiquated Second Amendment right to bear arms, all of which makes us a narrow-minded nation of gun nuts. Our unprecedented prosperity was built on the backs of slaves, and our entire continent was stolen from American Indians.

Jussie Smollett's Hate