NatGeo Combat Rescue Special

Yeah I put out some feelers with amlove21, I am still talking through it with my wife and getting back in shape. Do you have any contact info out in KY? The ANG website is absolute rubbish.
Other than guys personal cell #'s I dont have any contacts. But I can shoot them a message and see what I can get ya. I do believe SOWT is correct on the 300 mile limit. If you need a longer leash then the FL team would be better suited. While there is a long list for the 123sts I believe that is for Active guard positions and not traditional. Theres always alaska as will always be busy.
Does anybody know, if NatGeo is planning on putting the series on dvd or blu ray disc?

They've done the same thing with Alaska State Troopers and Doomsday Preppers as well as other events, so you should be seeing a box set for Inside Combat Rescue on the NatGeo shop shortly after the series concludes March 25th. The digital copies usually hit iTunes and Amazon a day or so after the last episode airs.
Has anyone been able to find the second ep online and not on youtube?
Great episode, I am really enjoying this series. This show is an awesome motivational tool, I also have to wonder about the recruitment aspect and how it is affecting hopefuls. If anything I imagine competition for contracts is only going to get more fierce as the show wraps up.
Alright, everyone. I know the inevitable answer on this one- and I don't care.

Even if a show is out there for open "download", on youtube, a mirror or cache site, whatever- keep it off of here. It only invites trouble.

Any questions, PM me.
Good call A.

Along with a few guys from my team and a handful of surgeons I owe my life to a couple PJs. I need to find out who they were... A, any change you could help me with that? I want them to know that I am still alive and kicking (with one leg at least).
Alright, everyone. I know the inevitable answer on this one- and I don't care.

Even if a show is out there for open "download", on youtube, a mirror or cache site, whatever- keep it off of here. It only invites trouble.

Any questions, PM me.

Thank you. I only mention it every other week I think and yet the word isn't out. Maybe I'm slipping in my old age and the kids don't respect me...
Awwww the kids love you Free. Just like any other grumpy septuagenarian focused on ruling the world.

Crip- easy day my friend. Ill ask around. PM me with the details and I'll track the team down.

Everyone else- seriously. Listen to your Grandpa Free and stop all the downloadin'!!!
Just watched all the episodes that have currently been aired.
All I can say is that the job you PJ guys do, is unbelievable. I can't even begin to imagine what pressure you go under day to day. Thank you for your service! Even if I'm not an American. ;-)
Keep it up guys, looking forward to next weeks ep!

*Fangirl over*

Someone get me a beer.
I've said it before, nothing but admiration and respect for the PJ's and what yee do, considering you could have gone into any AF SOF field and picked to save lives.. KUDOS.
Finally caught an episode, awesome stuff and I love your work but I do have to ask, do you guys have recruiting posters at tanning salons and beauty spas or did the directive come down from high that none of the not so good looking PJs were allowed to be shown?
Just watched episode 4. You all do an awesome job, and I am thankful for the oportunities I have had to work with some of you. I cannot fathom the emotional stress dealing with children though. I have been in the ER when children come through, and it is heart wrenching every time. I will definitely hug my son a little tighter tonight, and pray that if he ever needs help, he will have men like you to be at his side. You all have my most sincere thanks for volunteering to do a job like that.
Incredible show. I couldn't help but feel for Justin while he was talking through his feelings about the wounded kid. Then to see the wave of relief physically swim over him when the producer told him the kid was ok was pretty amazing - to the point I actually felt weird watching it.

I don't normally like shows like this, but the human element here is profound and I think National Geographic is doing a great job of showing these guys in a great light. My hope is the PJs out there feel the show is portraying them the same way because I'm really digging it.
Hands down those guys - the pilots, the PJs, the ground techs - are all friggin amasing.
Quick question: what makes them different from a conventional MEDEVAC helo? Is it the whole Geneva Convention thing?