Starting BJJ


Verified SOF
Jan 7, 2009
So I finally took the plunge, I have started training Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. Having never done any martial arts as a kid and only really knowing what I learned from combatives in the Army(some SOCP, and LINES) I figured now was as good a time as any.

Some take aways after my first few 6 lessons:

My flexibility sucks. No ifs ands or buts... it is awful. I have concurrently started doing Yoga on the days I don't train and hope that it will improve rapidly, but it is bad.

I have been on a deadlifting kick in the gym recently and am now realizing I let my core fall way off the wagon. This goes with the above, but so far in JJ, it doesn't matter how strong I am in the big lifts, but how flexible and strong my hips and core are, which isn't very.

I absolutely fucking love rolling. I love the atmosphere of the gym, the supportive non competitive learning environment that it fosters. Coming from the Army background it is nice to have lots of chill chicks and dudes who just want to learn without going 100mph.

This gym has a very disciplined structured approach, which makes it easy to want to go a lot, but makes sure you are progressing at a steady pace... I am a sucker for structure so this is perfect for me.
Hell yeah. It's great to see someone catch the BJJ bug.

Get ready to tap to a lot of small folks, though.

Yeah I believe it. There are some really talented flexible folks that would have no problem submitting me, I do have strength and weight on my side some of the time at least, when it isn't working against me.
Dude, that's awesome. Hit it 3-4 times a week and be disciplined- it's really rewarding, I love it for all the same reasons you do.

Is it a Gracie Barra, or one of the other lineages? Relson? Rickson?
I have been on a deadlifting kick in the gym recently and am now realizing I let my core fall way off the wagon.

I find deadlifting to help strengthen my core but I suppose it depends on how much weight you are using (heavier you go the more you use your core, etc). Have you tried using a medicine ball or foam roller? I find those help a lot.
@amlove21 I don't know the answer to that.
Oh ok, I was just asking which gym you train at. All the Gracie's have different systems and train thensame system (slight variations) under the patriarchs of the house.

For example I train at Gracie Barra (name of my gym) and that systems overall dude is Carlos Gracie. What gym do you go to?
tap early, tap often. Ego gets you hurt.

I got caught in an armbar by a white belt (I was a white belt too), fought it off for over 5 minutes, along the way my other hand ended up trapped under his leg. When I hit muscle failure I couldn't tap and he popped my elbow. If I had tapped when I knew he had it, I wouldn't have had 6 months of pain.
I noticed Bernardo Faria is coming to do a seminar at your school. I would love to attend his seminar.

Mentioning flexibility, his game is based on leverage and pressure passing, so it might fit into what your natural gifts are. I'm not that flexible and I use a lot of Bernardo's style of pressure passing and half guard sweeps.

I'm in my late 30's and it helps me slow down younger more flexible guys.
@amlove21 and I have talked about fighting/BJJ/MMA/etc for a couple years, and seeing D's post finally pushed me over the edge too. I haven't done any training outside of military combatives, but I joined a Gracie Barra earlier this week. Been to two classes so far, and I'm having a great time.
@TLDR20 the yoga should help but don't rush the positions. I did yoga for about 10 years in my 30's & 40's and know people who've tried to do too much too soon and screwed up their backs. But very beneficial, physically and mentally, if done right.
@TLDR20 , how's it going dude? I just finished up my third week, and I am having a fucking blast. I have already leaned out some, gained some flexibility, improved conditioning, and am starting to pick up techniques a little quicker. I wish I had gotten into this stuff a lot earlier in life. I love the chess match of rolling. @amlove21 is probably sick of me texting him all the time after classes. Lol. "Bro, killer session tonight."
@TLDR20 , how's it going dude? I just finished up my third week, and I am having a fucking blast. I have already leaned out some, gained some flexibility, improved conditioning, and am starting to pick up techniques a little quicker. I wish I had gotten into this stuff a lot earlier in life. I love the chess match of rolling. @amlove21 is probably sick of me texting him all the time after classes. Lol. "Bro, killer session tonight."

I went out of town then came back and worked 4 straight 12 1/2 hour shifts, so I just started back up yesterday. I love doing it. I am doing an 8 session a month deal to start out.
@TLDR20 , how's it going dude? I just finished up my third week, and I am having a fucking blast. I have already leaned out some, gained some flexibility, improved conditioning, and am starting to pick up techniques a little quicker. I wish I had gotten into this stuff a lot earlier in life. I love the chess match of rolling. @amlove21 is probably sick of me texting him all the time after classes. Lol. "Bro, killer session tonight."

Is yours Gracie combatives?
So, about a week ago I got my blue belt. That officially means I am fodder for my brown and black belts to go full speed on; and I am ok with that.

But I also signed up for my first tourney. March 3. My goal is to win 1 match. Since I just got promoted, I’ll be the least experienced heavyweight in the class (under 208).

So, that’s what it is! I’ll keep you all (the 3 or 4 of you) posted.
So, about a week ago I got my blue belt. That officially means I am fodder for my brown and black belts to go full speed on; and I am ok with that.

But I also signed up for my first tourney. March 3. My goal is to win 1 match. Since I just got promoted, I’ll be the least experienced heavyweight in the class (under 208).

So, that’s what it is! I’ll keep you all (the 3 or 4 of you) posted.

Good for you! I was given advise one time about the fighting arts from my Chief, "a black bet is just a white belt that never quit." Congrats.