What Can High School Student do to Prepare for PAST and Indoctrination?

Stas Allen

Oct 9, 2014
I'm a Junior in High School and am very interested in the Pararescue career field in the Air Force. I know that there is a slim chance of even getting into Indoctrination let alone graduating from it, but a slim chance is better than no chance. I currently run five miles every day, take weight training in school, and do work-outs at home like free-weight exercises, sit ups, crunches, push-ups, ETC. However I have no idea if what I'm doing is helpful or not, nor do I have a full on work-out plan in weights class because I don't know which machines would work best for this particular goal. If anyone has the time to give an idea of what workouts I can do, or anything at all that would be really appreciated. Thank you and I look forward to hearing back.
First and foremost, post an introduction in the correct area. It sounds like you're off to a good start for a 16 year old. Allow your body to mature and make sure you're focusing on proper technique more than anything. Also, make sure that you're putting as much effort into your academics as you are your physical fitness.

To the PJ's on the board, my apologies if I'm stepping on toes by responding to this.
I'm a Junior in High School and am very interested in the Pararescue career field in the Air Force. I know that there is a slim chance of even getting into Indoctrination let alone graduating from it, but a slim chance is better than no chance. I currently run five miles every day, take weight training in school, and do work-outs at home like free-weight exercises, sit ups, crunches, push-ups, ETC. However I have no idea if what I'm doing is helpful or not, nor do I have a full on work-out plan in weights class because I don't know which machines would work best for this particular goal. If anyone has the time to give an idea of what workouts I can do, or anything at all that would be really appreciated. Thank you and I look forward to hearing back.

Per the Site rules, post an Introduction. This will be your next post.
Bang bitches get money.
I wish I could like/agree at the same time. This is basically all you need to do.

You're 16. If you really want to be a PJ (which, by the way, involves an entire military career of working out how you're doing now), take the next 2 years and live your life. Do well in school. Drink a damn beer. Get a girlfriend.

The job will be there when you're ready. Right now, you're not ready.
PT, meet girls, get rowdy with your friends. I enlisted into the military at 16 (joint school board/army program where I went away to do basic + occupation course while getting credits) and had no social life for about almost a year while I was in high school. Although I'm glad I joined up when I did/what it did for me, the downside was massive in the social aspect of being a teenager. The military will always be there, but these years of your life won't be. I know it's a few years until you'll join up and It's good to be motivated, but don't let it consume your entire life right now by trying to prepare. Live in the moment and be a kid without doing anything extremely stupid that can ruin your future. My 0.02.