AFSOC IDMT questions

Stretcher Jockey

SOF Support
Jul 7, 2016

I want to preface this with the fact that Ive looked into this topic all over this forum and Google, but no one really mentions it. Im trying to go AFSOC IDMT, or work Search and Rescue with ACC, but I truly cant find any information on this subject. Im a current 4No51 in paramedic school, only been in for about 4 years now. I understand that the aforementioned units want you to be IDMT and paramedic for them, but since I came to medic school first I have to serve my 3 year commitment before applying for IDMT school. Does anyone have more information, or can at least point me in the correct direction? My command isnt exactly helpful with either of these ideas because they all personally believe IDMT is a waste of time and dont want me to "be suckered in" by the Big Blue. Any and all information would be welcome. If this is the wrong place to post, just let me know and I'll do what I can to rectify. Thanks all.
Found any information on your search? Fellow 4N051 whos been searching for AFSOC IDMT information as well with little success.
I'm going to bring up my own dead thread and give myself and anyone else who ever reads this some advice that took me way too long to understand. Be a support guy, or be SOF. IDMT's arent PJ's, not even close. And while being attached to a command that has PJ's, a RQS, or an STS doesn't make you an "operator". If you want to be doing the "cool guy" jobs, go through the pipeline and earn a beret. If you (I) cant cut it then accept that not everyone is meant to be SOF and even they need support troops to get the mission done.

Obviously Ive done some introspection and answered my own questions through a roundabout way. If anyone ever wants to learn more about being a Paramedic for the Air Force (that isn't Pararescue), feel free to PM.
I'm going to bring up my own dead thread and give myself and anyone else who ever reads this some advice that took me way too long to understand. Be a support guy, or be SOF. IDMT's arent PJ's, not even close. And while being attached to a command that has PJ's, a RQS, or an STS doesn't make you an "operator". If you want to be doing the "cool guy" jobs, go through the pipeline and earn a beret. If you (I) cant cut it then accept that not everyone is meant to be SOF and even they need support troops to get the mission done.

Obviously Ive done some introspection and answered my own questions through a roundabout way. If anyone ever wants to learn more about being a Paramedic for the Air Force (that isn't Pararescue), feel free to PM.
Doesn't AFGSC put IDMT's on their HH-1's when they fly SAR?
I'm going to bring up my own dead thread and give myself and anyone else who ever reads this some advice that took me way too long to understand. Be a support guy, or be SOF. IDMT's arent PJ's, not even close. And while being attached to a command that has PJ's, a RQS, or an STS doesn't make you an "operator". If you want to be doing the "cool guy" jobs, go through the pipeline and earn a beret. If you (I) cant cut it then accept that not everyone is meant to be SOF and even they need support troops to get the mission done.

Obviously Ive done some introspection and answered my own questions through a roundabout way. If anyone ever wants to learn more about being a Paramedic for the Air Force (that isn't Pararescue), feel free to PM.
You just book a spot in my top 5 favorite IDMTs. Not a joke.

Great post. I want to publicly commend you for being transparent, because you killed it. Let me know if you ever need anything.

That being said, good IDMT's are invaluable to their commands, and are worth their weight in gold. They're just a bit hard to come by, for the pitfalls you described above.
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@amlove21 thank you for the words. I may reach out to you at some point, Im kind of in a spot where I dont know what I want to do when I "grow up".

@Raksasa Kotor Ive seen this listing for the 6th SOS in AMS in the past few months. Im not an IDMT yet, but Im taking the beginning steps to get there. Im definitely looking for something "outside the norm" but Im keeping my options open since Im still a few years of experience and schooling away. Thanks for posting this, its definitely informative.
Im reviving this old thread (one that I created on my journey a few years ago) to pass out some information regarding AFSOC IDMT/SOFME selection criteria, details of the job, and some further resources. Please note that as of the writing of this I am in IDMT school and have obtained permission from the instructors to post all of this information as it is all public access, just hard to find. Complete disclaimer: I am not a SOFME or assigned to an AFSOC unit of any sort. Just passing on the information for anyone who is interested.

A SOFME is a Special Operations Forces Medical Element. It is a team assigned in support of SOF that typically consists of a MD/DO and 2 IDMTS. PA's are also used in place of IDMTs on the team depending on what the mission set entails. They are typically utilized in home station medical support for flyers and dependents, the primary providers/medical support for local flying units for deployment readiness, deployed occupational and environmental health assessments, operational planning, trauma care and CASEVAC.

Once assigned to a SOFME role, you will undergo the pipeline training to become deployable. This pipeline includes Intro To Special Operations Command/Intro To Special Operations Medicine (ISOC/ISOM), field skills, SERE, emergency parachute, underwater egress, water survival, over water emergency parachuting, CASEVAC procedures, life support training, crew resource management, emergency egress for non-eject aircraft, altitude chamber, small arms training, TCCC, and specifically for IDMTs you will go through paramedic school, Special Operations Combat Medical Skills Sustainment course (SOCMSSC) and any additional training the unit requires specific to their mission set.

Operational tempo is typically 4-6 months out of every year deployed, and while at home station TDY, providing medical coverage for exercises, and TCCC instruction along with any additional medical sustainment courses.

To apply for a SOFME role you must be already an IDMT or in the IDMT course. I can tell you anecdotally that this is a highly sought after position from the students. From my senior class, my class, and my junior class, there are over 20 people fighting to get an assignment with only 2 actually getting it. There is a physical that is required to submit a package which consists of a 3 mile run, 5 mile ruck, and a 25m surface swim in full uniform excluding boots. The minimum time for males and females for the run is 32 minutes. The 5 mile ruck is 1:15 with minimum #25 and the swim has no time limit. Like any other competitive spot, show up planning to exceed all these numbers or you will be in bad shape.

For those who have asked about getting a SOFME slot in your contract from the recruiter, thats not how the process works. The most efficient way to become a SOFME is to get 4N0X1 as your AFSC, be recommended to become an IDMT while in basic 4N training by your instructors (which also requires a 90% average or above in the course), and go through IDMT School. Once you graduate from IDMT, you will be required to serve 2-3 years before you are allowed to submit a package for SOFME. As of right now, there have been a total of 9 Proof Of Concept students (straight from 4N school to IDMT school) that have been accepted into the course. Its a fairly new addition to the school house and may change at any time.

Most of this information is found on the 4N app. Click on 4N Opportunities, Unique Special Duties and SOFME. If anyone has further questions I'm glad to answer, but it may take a while since I'm still in school.

ETA: run is 3 miles in 32 minutes, not the standard 1.5 mile from the AF PT test.
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