
A cold is going around at work...oh the people freaked out that they are going to die. :rolleyes:

The mortality rate is currently around 2-3 percent, it isn't as remotely lethal as SARS or MERS.

Any illness is bad, but fear mongering is worse.
2-3% out of potentially over 300 million people is gonna suck though. Couple COVID-19 with a shortage of consumer goods, an economic shortfall, and a change in the quality of life... yeah. If anything, our people on the lower economic spectrum are going feel the brunt of this.
If the Coronavirus changes to ModeloNegravirus then let me know, cause I'll go out and catch me some of that.

2-3% out of potentially over 300 million people is gonna suck though.

Seriously though? There are only 80K cases reported worldwide, why make the jump to 300M? Even if you take into consideration that China might not be reporting accurately the number of cases, the population of the entire province of Hubei is 58M. That's still a very far ways off from considering this the next Spanish Flu, and would required a 100% infection rate to even put a dent into that number.

Chubbyemu is a channel I've been subscribed to for some time now, he's a doctor that covers medical cases and goes into the how, why, and what of various things related to the medical field. He sources everything he talks about so you can independently verify for yourself as well.

Covid-19 is dangerous to people with compromised immune systems, those who are older with a previous medical history. But that's nothing new if you consider the fact that Covid-19 is similar to Pneumonia and we already know how dangerous that is for that demographic.

I'm not saying we should brush it off like it's nothing, but implying that this is the next Spanish Flu, or the first domino in a series that halts the world's supply of resources doesn't help and it doesn't contribute anything.

ETA: Fixed population number and province name.
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If the Coronavirus changes to ModeloNegravirus then let me know, cause I'll go out and catch me some of that.

Seriously though? There are only 80K cases reported worldwide, why make the jump to 300M? Even if you take into consideration that China might not be reporting accurately the number of cases, the population of the entire province of Hubei is 58M. That's still a very far ways off from considering this the next Spanish Flu, and would required a 100% infection rate to even put a dent into that number.

Chubbyemu is a channel I've been subscribed to for some time now, he's a doctor that covers medical cases and goes into the how, why, and what of various things related to the medical field. He sources everything he talks about so you can independently verify for yourself as well.

Covid-19 is dangerous to people with compromised immune systems, those who are older with a previous medical history. But that's nothing new if you consider the fact that Covid-19 is similar to Pneumonia and we already know how dangerous that is for that demographic.

I'm not saying we should brush it off like it's nothing, but implying that this is the next Spanish Flu, or the first domino in a series that halts the world's supply of resources doesn't help and it doesn't contribute anything.

ETA: Fixed population number and province name.
Our population (USA) is estimated to be north of 320 million. Based on the stats released by the CDC on the rate of infection, I have zero doubts that COVID-19 is here. (Thanks China!)

Also, with a 60% infection rate hospitals aren't equipped to deal with the potential 4-6 million people that are going to need intensive care. Heck, even with the flu's 30% rate we'd still be overwhelmed. (This isn't even taking shortages of medical goods into account and how screwed the medical requisition system is)

What's even worse is our supply chain is heavily dependent on Chinese made products and medicines. The main reason the public hasn't seen shortages is because local manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors, stocked up on goods before the Lunar New Year. (When China's manufacturing sector takes a break)

Dude... the US and rest of the world are about to get a collective kick in the knackers. Even if COVID-19 was a non-starter, China's manufacturing centers have been offline for a while. Those factories are gonna take a hot minute to restart and it will be months before new goods get here.

We're about to see our deficiencies laid bare and our people are going to suffer needlessly because of it.
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Our population (USA) is estimated to be north of 320 million. Based on the stats released by the CDC on the rate of infection, I have zero doubts that COVID-19 is here. (Thanks China!)

Also, with a 60% infection rate hospitals aren't equipped to deal with the potential 4-6 million people that are going to need intensive care. Heck, even with the flu's 30% rate we'd still be overwhelmed. (This isn't even taking shortages of medical goods into account and how screwed the medical requisition system is)

What's even worse is our supply chain is heavily dependent on Chinese made products and medicines. The main reason the public hasn't seen shortages is because local manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors, stocked up on goods before the Lunar New Year. (When China's manufacturing sector takes a break)

Dude... the US and rest of the world are about to get a collective kick in the knackers. Even if COVID-19 was a non-starter, China's manufacturing centers have been offline for a while. Those factories are also gonna take a hot minute to restart production, it'll be months before new goods get here.

We're about to see our deficiencies laid bare and our people are going to suffer needlessly because of it.
No people will suffer because they demand cheap stuff from China and companies are too stupid to split production.
Self inflicted wound.
No people will suffer because they demand cheap stuff from China and companies are too stupid to split production.
Self inflicted wound.
Both agree and disagree. Agree that our companies sold us out to the Chicoms. Disagree that the average Joe is at fault.

At the end of the day, Joe sixpack didn't have a say when our companies and politicans exported our manufacturing might to China. If anything, the portion of our populace that's going to suffer are the very same citizens who lost everything to China and are now reliant on those goods.

No matter what, this is going to suck. I just hope we learn our lesson about trusting despots and commies, cause we're about to pay a huge price for it.
I think I should clarify the reason behind my Spanish Flu post. I’ve read/heard that covid-19 is and isn’t as bad as the Spanish Flu. If the mortality rate in 1919 was due to aspirin toxicity, then I’m really not worried about a Chinese bug.

Or it’s much worse, and I’ll die dumb and happy in my ignorance. Either one is a win for me.
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