:SPOILERS: House of the Dragon


Wheelchair Kamikaze
Verified Military
Jun 17, 2017
Again, this thread contains spoilers. Continue at your own risk.

I felt like they were doing their best to fix parts of the GoT S8 timeline. In the end, okay. I'll give a few before passing final judgment.
Enjoyed what I just saw and I think this Targaryen prequel was just the right kick to give the GoT universe any chance of redemption from the S7 and S8 trainwreck. Kudos to GRRM for insisting that HBO focus on this prequel.

Rhaenyra and Alicent's characters are well-acted (I get the feeling Alicent is going to betray her somehow), and I did not expect to enjoy 'Dr. Who' playing a Daemon Targaryen as much as I did. He's probably my current favorite, tied with Corlys.

I have no intention of reading the books, either, so it will be fun to see how the story progresses.
It was slow but it seems like they pumped most of the boring, story building done in that one episode. I like how they kept to the same gore level.
Agreed (protip: try to avoid bearing royal offspring in Dragonstone). I'm also satisfied with how they're continuing to keep the amoral parts of the show unsanitized instead of coddling to modern sensibilities.

Strong start. 8/10.
This thread needs a wet blanket and I'm all too happy to waterboard the lot of you.

1. Matt Smith is perfect. I want to see him kill, rape, scheme, and betray his way through Westworld or Westeros or whatever. That dude is lights out in the role.
2. So predictable. Painfully predictable. Oh, the king needs an heir? Yeah, that kid and the queen are donzies. Sure enough...x'ed out.
3. Could they ride Daenerys' dick any harder? Yeah, I like tying the new series into the old mess, but it feels forced. Speaking of...
4. Maybe the books mentioned it, but I thought the Targaryens were all about male rulers and that's what made Dany so special. Sure, Lil Miss Overbite isn't the queen yet, but dad's sore from the iron throne? Dead man walking.
5. Speaking of, the books mentioned how the Targetaryans were inbred, so I thought it was pretty cool to find an actress who looks like she is a Hapsburg. There's no way that overbite/ chin combination is CGI.
6. Good job bringing in the various families during the tournament. That was a nice touch and when they didn't have a family there, we heard it mentioned. That's a better way to tie in with the old series than Great Value Daenerys.
7. You think Otto the Hand knows his shit is already dead?
8. How did the original series have such an amazing Small Council and this series has...a high school debate club? I hope that improves.
9. The tournament was pimp. Mixing it with the Oh Shit vs. Wade birth was some solid work and nicely done.

3 out of 5 poppy fields. It was a solid setup for the season, so I hope they don't go full GoT. Right now it is the Matt Smith show with albino Marge Simpson in a supporting role. I'm looking forward to next week, but I hope they stop referencing the other series. I really hope they give us those jaw dropping surprises the first series was famous for providing.
I'm not upset at episode 1 at all. I rewatched the trailer now that I know who's who in Westeros and reread @AWP aar.

Only complaint is who they chose to play grownup Princess Rhaenyra in later episodes. I think we could have done better.

Agree 3 poppies...

Lil Miss Overbite…
Speaking of, the books mentioned how the Targetaryans were inbred, so I thought it was pretty cool to find an actress who looks like she is a Hapsburg. There's no way that overbite/ chin combination is CGI.

Give the girl some encouragement. With proper orthodontic treatment, that mouth might win the epiglottal clench contest on Brazzers.