3 Afghan troops training in Georgia among 7 missing from US bases


Sep 12, 2012
Geee...color me shocked. :wall:

3 Afghan troops training in Georgia among 7 missing from US bases

Two Afghan military members from Fort Benning in Georgia are among seven foreign troops now considered AWOL after leaving their U.S. posts, military officials said.

The Fort Benning students left their posts over Labor Day weekend, according to the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer. The same weekend, two other Afghan military students, one from Fort Lee, Virginia and one from Little Rock Arkansas, left their posts without permission. On the weekend of Sept. 17-18, three more students, two at Fort Leonard Wood, Kansas and one at Fort Gordon, Georgia were discovered missing.
Geee...color me shocked. :wall:

3 Afghan troops training in Georgia among 7 missing from US bases

Two Afghan military members from Fort Benning in Georgia are among seven foreign troops now considered AWOL after leaving their U.S. posts, military officials said.

The Fort Benning students left their posts over Labor Day weekend, according to the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer. The same weekend, two other Afghan military students, one from Fort Lee, Virginia and one from Little Rock Arkansas, left their posts without permission. On the weekend of Sept. 17-18, three more students, two at Fort Leonard Wood, Kansas and one at Fort Gordon, Georgia were discovered missing.
Something nefarious or do you think discovering Cold Stone and Five Guys caused them to "go native."
Shit, Afghans are AWOL from the battlefield, so we can't expect them to stick around if they're in America.
If I was Afghan and got here to the states for "training" I would disappear too. Find me working at some cash for work job, planning my take over of the local Seven-Eleven chain.
If I was Afghan and got here to the states for "training" I would disappear too. Find me working at some cash for work job, planning my take over of the local Seven-Eleven chain.

Hell, yeah, one look at the bright neon lights of Anytown USA would put the zap on anybody's head.
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