30-Rack In Hand


Special Forces
Verified SOF
May 17, 2023
(Ladies?) & Gents,

I'm grateful to join this esteemed forum. My hopes are high for not only learning from this unique and experienced community, but also providing value for those aspiring to earn their spot in SOF.

-35 y/o 18E (SSG type) assigned to 20th Special Forces Group.
-Happily married with a 3-year-old son and another kid due in November.
-Prior service Navy SH-60 C-SAR Crew-Chief & Swimmer (AW).
-Practicing Catholic.

I'm looking forward to making some strong connections, sharing experiences, learning from you all, and contributing wherever possible.

For the time being, you'll find me at the back of the team-room, digging into old threads and getting myself up to speed.


Welcome to the forums. I'd be happy to hear your experiences with NG SF during a post war military. We have 19th Group in my state but I never interact with them to ask what training and school opportunities are like these days.
Thank you, and everyone else, for the warm welcome!

Post-GWOT has brought about some changes for us Nasty Girls. The tales of NG ODA's augmenting 3rd and 5th to accompany partner forces in door-kicking operations have faded away. Nevertheless, SF as a whole remains quite busy, with active and guard teams deployed to 70+ countries year-round. Not all of these deployments involve the exciting direct action (DA) stuff, but plenty of traditional SF missions keep the groups occupied. We have a 20th GRP company returning from a seven-month banger in Africa soon, and after a short downtime, we'll be star-bursting dudes out to various schools (HALO, SFARTAETC, SFSC, Ranger, etc.). Unfortunately, schools and training greatly depend on how well the state manages our yearly funds.

The training company stays busy by focusing on recruitment and assessing candidates before sending them to SFAS. We host a four-day event once a month, where we run guys through an SFRE (SF Readiness Evaluation), essentially an abbreviated A&S, to screen out undesirables before Florida invests money in them. Our preparation program is actually very strong, thanks to the leadership and the dedication of our GB's and support personnel who put in time and effort behind the scenes. Logistics can be challenging at times, especially when individuals need to balance their home life and civilian careers, and occasionally drill needs to take a back seat. However, it's worth mentioning that it's very much a "pick your own adventure" scenario, and individuals are allowed to prioritize what's best for them as much as possible.
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