5 SOF soldiers KIA Afghanistan

RIP Warriors. I wonder what the circumstances were. Was there a JTAC, was it XCAS, etc.?
"The Americans called in an airstrike amid fierce fighting and, according to U.S. officials, the B-1 Stealth Bomber strike somehow went terribly awry" Taken from the MSN artice. RIP warriors. Sad day for the SF community.
"The Americans called in an airstrike amid fierce fighting and, according to U.S. officials, the B-1 Stealth Bomber strike somehow went terribly awry" Taken from the MSN artice. RIP warriors. Sad day for the SF community.
RIP Brothers.

Wonder who used the wrong coordinates? B-1 or the guy on the ground?
I absolutely hate reading about these types of incidents.

Rest In Peace, Men and my sincerest condolences to their families and unit.

Just an admin reminder, I don't want us speculating or "I know a guy..." until the families are notified. Families and a unit are mourning, no doubt there are wounded, and at least one aircrew has to carry this on their conscience.

Blue skies.
Rest in Peace, Brothers. My condolences to the families.

Like many here, I'm waiting and hoping I don't see names I know.
"The Americans called in an airstrike amid fierce fighting and, according to U.S. officials, the B-1 Stealth Bomber strike somehow went terribly awry" Taken from the MSN artice. RIP warriors. Sad day for the SF community.

B-1 is the Lancer. B-2 Spirit is the stealth bomber.

Horrible news.

A sad day indeed all around.

Rest easy Brothers. DOL

What terrible news! This will badly impact every branch of our military. Rest In God's Own Peace, Heros. Prayers out for all touched by this tragic event.
I see that names are beginning to trickle out. My most sincere condolences to the family and friends who are left to grieve. When I see these stories involving SOF's I also take a moment to think of the members of this board, who while I do not know personally, think of as family. While you may have contacts who can privately give you more info faster than most can get, it must be incredibly stressful for you as you think of someone special to you, and then trying to determine if they could have been "there" at that moment in time. At times like this it saddens me that words cannot be as comforting as their intent.
Literally makes me sick to think of the grief of all involved in such a tragic event.
Rest in peace.