6 rifles, 10 pistols stolen from Massachusetts armory

If all SOP's are followed, it's damn near impossible to do. Probably some form of an inside job, or at least someone with specific knowledge of SOP's. Outside of that, probably not the best idea to discuss, Armory security and or weapons safe guard SOP.
Agreed about getting into a discussion regarding security on an open forum, just mind-boggling to me how this could happen.

On another note, @JAB I had to laugh out loud when I saw your edit to the above, glad I got to read your first story that you shared, it made me laugh very hard!
Agreed about getting into a discussion regarding security on an open forum, just mind-boggling to me how this could happen.

On another note, @JAB I had to laugh out loud when I saw your edit to the above, glad I got to read your first story that you shared, it made me laugh very hard!

lol, yeah I posted that and was like "you dumbass" but yeah. lol
HOW does this happen? Doesn't every armory have a military guard, or was that just a Marine thing?

6 rifles, 10 pistols stolen from Massachusetts armory
My guess is an inside job.
Another story said the roof was being repaired and the alarm system was off.
That leaves a small number of people with knowledge.
What needs to be addressed is why didn't they have the AGR's pulling a CQ type of duty until the alarm was back on-line?
I'm more than a bit familiar with that case. Fuckers.

It has happened in FL. Twice. I've no doubt other states have similar cases. I'm also familiar with two cases at Bagram, 1 AF guy and 1 contractor. The latter went to jail, but I don't know about the former.
It has happened in FL. Twice. I've no doubt other states have similar cases. I'm also familiar with two cases at Bagram, 1 AF guy and 1 contractor. The latter went to jail, but I don't know about the former.

Same deal at my last armory. Sold 'em to a pawn shop a mile or so down the road. Locked up now ;)
His brain is not wired like most people's. He was wearing an ankle GPS device, on bail for Christ's sake. I doubt he has feelings of remorse, guilt or sorrow. Prision time for folks like this is simply some post grad education, networking, and learning new ideas for crime in the future. The one thing that changes this for this guy is the child rape charge. If that charge sticks, then:
, and other fun things.
Anyone remember this? Now, this was impressive:

Tanks And Rocket Launchers: Not Exactly Your Normal Theft
Chicago Tribune said:
FT. MCCOY, Wis. — For hobbyists who collect combat military vehicles--something requiring lots of space and understanding neighbors--this military base was a mother lode of rare and illicit goodies.

Was, that is, until Wednesday, when a federal grand jury in Madison indicted seven men in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan and Iowa for trafficking, largely with collectors, in an estimated $13 million worth (original cost) of exotic military vehicles for the last two years...

...Among more than 150 combat vehicles taken from the base were a self-propelled howitzer cannon, 17 armored personnel carriers with TOW missile launchers (without the missiles), at least a half-dozen tracked cargo carriers and a Vietnam-era Sheridan tank. One mobile missile launcher was sold for $30,000 to an FBI undercover agent, the charges allege.
Other equipment, like snowblowers and cranes, were sold to people who planned to use them, such as the operators of a ski resort in Colorado, according to the indictment.
These guys basically had their own private DRMO.