919th Special Operations Wing

Internet Cowboy

Apr 4, 2015
I am currently in the Marine Corps Reserves, but the lack of deployments and funding is tempting me to look elsewhere.

I see on the 919th SOW's website that they have a "Special Operations" Security Forces Squadron. Is there anything "Special" about them? I have zero desire to stand post at a gate all weekend, but the Air Force DAGRE program looks pretty cool from the outside.

Anyone have any insight into this unit, or any other "Special Operations" Security Forces Squadrons?
I am currently in the Marine Corps Reserves, but the lack of deployments and funding is tempting me to look elsewhere.

I see on the 919th SOW's website that they have a "Special Operations" Security Forces Squadron. Is there anything "Special" about them? I have zero desire to stand post at a gate all weekend, but the Air Force DAGRE program looks pretty cool from the outside.

Anyone have any insight into this unit, or any other "Special Operations" Security Forces Squadrons?
My understanding is that DAGRE is kind of like TRAP, with wannabe Soldiers in charge.
You want to deploy and be part of the mission?
193rd SOW is always looking for Aircrew, 919th may need crew dogs too.
A Special Operations Security Forces Squadron gets that moniker for being part of a SOW. Just like there's a Special Operations Maintenance Group, Special Operations Medical Group, etc. It's not because they're some high-speed protection detail.
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Thanks for the insight. I was worried that might be the case.
You want to deploy and be part of the mission?
193rd SOW is always looking for Aircrew, 919th may need crew dogs too.

I had to look up the 193rd. Unfortunately, PA too far away. I chose the 919th because of location, and I assume they are well funded if they get SOCOM money.

Aircrew would be my first choice. I was curious about the Security Forces, because part of me is not 100% ready to give up my combat arms MOS. Judging from what I have seen first hand, Air Force Aircrew seems like the best lifestyle out of any branch or MOS.

What do you guys think about a Loadmaster MOS at 919th?
Aircrew would be my first choice. I was curious about the Security Forces, because part of me is not 100% ready to give up my combat arms MOS. Judging from what I have seen first hand, Air Force Aircrew seems like the best lifestyle out of any branch or MOS.

What do you guys think about a Loadmaster MOS at 919th?

I was an Army Guard guy who now contracts with the AF...and I can say without a doubt TAKE THE AIRCREW JOB. The AF job (AFSC) structure is Ops, Support, Medical, etc. Ops consists of everyone flying, TACP, CCT, PJ, , Intel, Weather, air traffic controllers, etc...in other words, Ops is the reason the AF exists.

As an outsider, if you don't want to carry a ruck (PJ, CCT, TACP) or directly support Ops (Weather, Intel) then fly, fly, fly. Take a flying gig if your schedule allows (aircrew do more than "one weekend a month") and don't look back. I work with two retired AD loadmasters and they loved every year of their jobs.

If you go the Support route, look at EOD or medical. Stay the hell away from Comm unless you are looking to pad an IT resume.
What do you guys think about a Loadmaster MOS at 919th?

Why are you asking us to make your choices for you? Do your research, talk to people at the unit if is close to you. You are coming across as a badgefinder or school whore with your statements about unit $$.

So far your posts show a Marine Reservist who is looking for a rich unit, but has no clue what he really wants to do in the military, except go to schools, and have a cool factor about the unit.

If you want deployments, go AD, and then to MARSOC A&S or to a RECON unit, or a Marine Infantry Battalion. You are trying to have the best of both worlds - choose one world to be your focus.
Why are you asking us to make your choices for you? Do your research, talk to people at the unit if is close to you. You are coming across as a badgefinder or school whore with your statements about unit $$.

So far your posts show a Marine Reservist who is looking for a rich unit, but has no clue what he really wants to do in the military, except go to schools, and have a cool factor about the unit.

If you want deployments, go AD, and then to MARSOC A&S or to a RECON unit, or a Marine Infantry Battalion. You are trying to have the best of both worlds - choose one world to be your focus.

I don't see it like that. As a Reservist he's seen their funding challenges and as someone who saw that in the 90's, it isn't pretty and caused us to lose a number of good soldiers. 3 or 4 of us were real close to going to the 919th for just that reason. They were doing a job and at the time we had nothing. Besdies, SOF attracts guys who are tired of the mundane. The mission matters, no doubt about that, but Type A's aren't likely to sit around the drill hall when they could do something else with their time.

If the OP wanted to stay in the land of rucksacks, B/1/20 SFG(A) is in his neck of the woods with other 18 series opportunities nearby.

Besides, given the choice of being a Load in a conventional unit vs. a Load in AFSOC...who here would begrudge the guy who chooses the latter? Many of us made some version of that decision.
AL Air Guard has a Combat Com sq that is AFSOC gained, you could call their recruiter and see what the ops tempo is.

Bottom line, drive out on a drill weekend and talk to a recruiter, they normally run you through the unit so both sides can see if you are a good fit.
Why are you asking us to make your choices for you? Do your research, talk to people at the unit if is close to you. You are coming across as a badgefinder or school whore with your statements about unit $$.

So far your posts show a Marine Reservist who is looking for a rich unit, but has no clue what he really wants to do in the military, except go to schools, and have a cool factor about the unit.

I did not mean to come off as a "badgefinder".

I consider posting on this board and asking questions as part of my research.

Maybe you don't know what it is like to "grow up poor." :-)
I am not trying to start any kind of argument, or offend anyone, but (not an exaggeration) half the guys in my unit have not been to the school to get the secondary MOS my unit requires. I have a Marine Infantry MOS and I have been lucky to shoot one range a year... it kind of sucks.

I love the reserves and having a civilian life, but one weekend a month doing BS busy work just isn't doing it for me anymore.
I did not mean to come off as a "badgefinder".

I consider posting on this board and asking questions as part of my research.

Maybe you don't know what it is like to "grow up poor." :-)
I am not trying to start any kind of argument, or offend anyone, but (not an exaggeration) half the guys in my unit have not been to the school to get the secondary MOS my unit requires. I have a Marine Infantry MOS and I have been lucky to shoot one range a year... it kind of sucks.

I love the reserves and having a civilian life, but one weekend a month doing BS busy work just isn't doing it for me anymore.

The last sentence should have been the starter for this thread.

As to growing up poor, I started in a Mech Infantry Reserve Unit in the early 80's, we could not get fuel nor ammo, we were lucky to have uniforms for the most part.
I see on the 919th SOW's website that they have a "Special Operations" Security Forces Squadron. Is there anything "Special" about them? I have zero desire to stand post at a gate all weekend, but the Air Force DAGRE program looks pretty cool from the outside.

Anyone have any insight into this unit, or any other "Special Operations" Security Forces Squadrons?

It's most likely not going to be any better than what you're already doing.

FWIW, I think the 919th's Talons and Spectres are gone..

Correct. C-145 now.

I assume they are well funded if they get SOCOM money.

Not so much.

What do you guys think about a Loadmaster MOS at 919th?

Just for technical clarification: no longer LM's there, they're 1A9's. Not a bad gig, but not a "high speed/low drag" job in this instance.
The 919th SOW has been undergoing some significant changes in the last few years. The 711th SOS is now a Combat Aviation Advisor unit working as a classic associate with the 6 SOS. That being said, the 711th is going to have several Security Forces positions that will function specifically as CAAs. If that particular mission set interests you, its definitely worth looking them up.

As previously stated, the loadmaster positions are all 1A9 now with the 49th SOS standing up to fly the C-146 as well. If you have any specific questions regarding the 919th, feel free to send me a PM.
The 919th SOW has been undergoing some significant changes in the last few years. The 711th SOS is now a Combat Aviation Advisor unit working as a classic associate with the 6 SOS. That being said, the 711th is going to have several Security Forces positions that will function specifically as CAAs. If that particular mission set interests you, its definitely worth looking them up.

As previously stated, the loadmaster positions are all 1A9 now with the 49th SOS standing up to fly the C-146 as well. If you have any specific questions regarding the 919th, feel free to send me a PM.
I'd still take a 1a9 job over Security Forces.
I was an Army Guard guy who now contracts with the AF...and I can say without a doubt TAKE THE AIRCREW JOB. The AF job (AFSC) structure is Ops, Support, Medical, etc. Ops consists of everyone flying, TACP, CCT, PJ, , Intel, Weather, air traffic controllers, etc...in other words, Ops is the reason the AF exists.

As an outsider, if you don't want to carry a ruck (PJ, CCT, TACP) or directly support Ops (Weather, Intel) then fly, fly, fly. Take a flying gig if your schedule allows (aircrew do more than "one weekend a month") and don't look back. I work with two retired AD loadmasters and they loved every year of their jobs.

If you go the Support route, look at EOD or medical. Stay the hell away from Comm unless you are looking to pad an IT resume.
This. Post.
The 919th topic brings back a lot of memories. I remember when they were at Duke and still had the "A" models. The boys were known for being able to outshoot their upgraded counterparts via "Iron Sights" back in the day. You could always tell whenever an "A" variant was orbiting overhead by it's distinctively different prop noise (3 bladed props instead of 4)

After chewing the fat with one of their crew in the lounge, (An older MSG) who landed at Aux Fld 6 with some engine problems and were waiting for trans back to Duke. he invited me out the following Wednesday, to do a ride along with them during some B-71 range time. My only regret was not having a camera.