A naked Captain in a...

That bill though. It'd be nice if his Joes helped chip in for the repair or if they all do the repair during free time. Honestly, the repair doesn't seem that bad. Two sheets of drywall, a new toilet, wax ring, and the hardware from the old toilet should do the trick.

Dick move on Joe's part, they could have just sharpied dicks on the captain and tucked him into a sleep system.
Extortion... hazing... false imprisonment... this wasn't a "prank" it was a crime. I don't think it's funny at all. Everyone involved deserves punishment.
There's a whole lot of stupid and a whole lot of awesome in that story. Too bad the officers and his troops couldn't figure out what's what.

Nobody rides for free.
Extortion... hazing... false imprisonment... this wasn't a "prank" it was a crime. I don't think it's funny at all. Everyone involved deserves punishment.
I’m siding with the Sir on this one. That’s crossing a line. Yes, this is a perfect example of why you don’t try to be “one of the boys” and keep a MAJ Winters level of respectable distance to them.... but Jesus fuck did Joe go full retard here. Let the poor bastard out. You don’t let him out that prank turns into kidnapping. They should pay. Because I’d have done the same thing.
The foundation of any successful military unit is trust. Trust was completely broken here. The officer is an idiot for 1) getting drunk, 2) getting drunk with Joe, 3) getting drunk with Joe, then going on a rampage after he was locked in a bathroom. But his soldiers are the ones who elevated this from 'bad judgment' to "oh shit now it's criminal."

If he was one of my PLs, I'd recommend a local GOMOC and he'd get an ass chewing and a formal counseling statement from me. I'd also turn my First Sergeant loose on the soldiers.