A story that reminds us to embrace what is 'good' in our lives


Sep 12, 2012
ALS is right up there with Alzheimer's when it comes to gut punch news.

Kudo's to the U of Minnesota for putting on a 'one student' graduation so that the man's father can see his son earn his college diploma.

There is a video embedded within the story, it is obvious how close the man and his son are. Just one of those moments when life seems so unfair when you compare to the filth who seem to skate on thru life.

University of Minnesota grants dying man's wish to see his son graduate
ALS sucks, my buddy Booger had that shit, watched him go from a normal dude to all fucked up in about a year and a half. Couldn't talk, eat, drink, lost all his muscle mass. I mean his body literally just quit on him. Pretty sad watching him go out that way.