A Word or Two on Recruiting and Training Right Now...


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
I get it, your dream is to be XXXXXX or YYYYY, but now the coronoavirus has shut recruiting centers, offices, places to train, training partners, etc. You're lost, you're stuck, how will the gov't recruit you if you can't submit a waiver, see a recruiter, train, go to MEPS, etc.?


Billions of people are affected right now, many of them (maybe even you) are out of work, the strongest economy in years has taken a shit. The government does not care about your future, what you can offer the military, what you are capable of...it just doesn't. It can't even deal with folks currently in uniform, so new recruits, while important, are a forgotten luxury right now.

This will change, one day it will, but here's where it gets worse: Once the recruiting centers are open some of those people without jobs will look at the military for an answer. Budgets, already on a post-GWOT downturn, could be slashed even more. Supply and demand, basic macroeconomics will determine if a recruiter will even call you back, much less fight for a waiver.

It sucks, it really does, but this is the new reality. When recruiters are back in business, be ready for them, be flexible for options B, C, or D, OR...don't be a shitbag stolen valor case because "Ida been a SEAL, man, but the coronavirus killed my entire BUD/S class....". "I missed my swim times because of the tissue damage in my lungs, you know? Man, it fucked up my life, I coulda been a SEAL!" or whatever lies we'll hear in the future.

Your situation sucks. Embrace it because it is sucking for a whole lot of people right now.

Good luck.
Unless something has changed, until you walk out of MEPS with a plane ticker to PISC, Great Lakes, or Columbus, you owe the military nothing. All the paperwork you fill out before hand doesn't mean anything. If you aren't ready to go (physically, mentally, etc), or they can't offer you what you want, DON'T GO TO BOOT CAMP. The military isn't going anywhere.