Special Forces
An Allegoric History
Presented by Colonel Aaron Bank, USA (Ret)
There is a saying, that giant oaks from acorns grow.
The oak I am referring to, although not a giant in physical stature, is indeed a giant in potential and versatility.
On a momentous day, a tiny group of disciples of Unconventional Warfare planted a tiny acorn in the nation’s grove of military giant oaks.
As that event took place, the mighty, well established, patrician oaks noted these interlopers and their intent with an angry rustling of branches and stiffening of massive trunks.
But when that sprouting acorn thrust its tiny stem through the earth’s crust there was no rustling, rather a twisting and cracking of trunks and rattling of branches with leaves tumbling to the ground as if to smother it. Altogether, a sign of outrage and protest, as the leading elements directed icy blast in its direction. “No, it cannot remain; it does not belong. It is of unacceptable parentage – civilian,” was the message carried by the blasts. “It represents radical doctrine and concepts.”
Undaunted, that tiny, feisty oak sank its roots deeper into the rich soil of the legacy left by its parent.
And as its tiny stem widened and turned into a trunk, it started to reach for the sky.
And as it developed, it sprouted branches, aimed in a planned direction, prepared to assist and support its parent when required.
All of this did not escape the notice of the older, patrician oaks who were in fear that renegade oak would taint the grove.
Then one day the “Call to Arms” echoed throughout the grove.
The giants eyed that determined fledgling oak with doubt and disdain. “Prove yourself.”
The long persecuted, daring oak rose to the challenge. And as it valiantly conducted its specialized, unconventional functions, supported by its branches, grudgingly the aristocratic giants realized that the young oak did have a role that they were incapable of performing. A role that broadened and extended the dimensions and parameters of the military’s capabilities and options as never before. And they began to nod and sway in approval.
Now a member of the grove’s brotherhood and grown to maturity, that ragged, gnarled oak with a majestic green dome that has assumed the shape of beret, is gazed upon, not with awe but with admiration, respect, appreciation and faith, that it will always merit its cherished motto, “De Oppresso Liber.”