Review Above Average by D.D. Smith


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
How many more of these am I typing today?

Above Average is a pretty remarkable story about a farmboy turned Navy test pilot. I won't recount everything, because there's a lot, but he entered into the Navy at a time when you didn't need a college degree to be an officer. Wanting to be a fighter pilot, he was "unlucky" enough to go the light attack community and fly the A-4 Skyhawk. A couple of deployments to Vietnam, staff duty, Navy Test Pilot School at Pax River, even acting as a test pilot for the F-14 (which nearly killed him), Smith had an amazing career.

The book is very well written and worth it for you history/ aviation types.
How many more of these am I typing today?
None, some, prolly rehetorical question... but I really like reading them. Thanks for doing them. Do you read more than one book at a time?
None, some, prolly rehetorical question... but I really like reading them. Thanks for doing them. Do you read more than one book at a time?

Yes. One at work via the Kindle Cloud and one in my room via the Kindle itself. I started another book today and realized I have finished several, but without posting here.
Should we do some sort of book sharing group? I thought we'd discuss that at some point but maybe I am remembering. I would love to read some of these books, I just don't want to hunt them down or buy them.

I also tend to read three or four books at a time.
I also tend to read three or four books at a time.
I'm glad to read your post. I thought I may have been one of the few to do this. There are times I have three or more going at once and people look at me like I'm crazy.

These book threads are some of my absolute favorite on the site. Keep 'em coming folks, it gives me new ideas!