I voted No, but with a *.
The war isn't JUST Afghanistan, though we've sold the US public (and the world) on that. Pakistan and Afghanistan are intertwined. Yon referred to it as the AfPak War back in…’06 or something like that and I think it is an accurate description. I think we must consider the two countries to be one theater with many facets and problems, some convergent, some divergent. Right now no one wants to admit this, at least no one in a position of power. We are putting a separate face on the two countries, but it isn’t that simple or contained in the real world.
We are kidding ourselves if we think that Al Qaeda will quit, we’re kidding ourselves if we think the various Taliban/ extremist factions over here will quit, we’re kidding ourselves if we think that the Pakistani gov’t isn’t hanging by a thread, we’re kidding ourselves about a multitude of issues in the two countries…..
The Emperor’s New Clothes suck and someone needs to recognize that fact.