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Feb 18, 2009
My name is Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, I'm 34, in the active Army with the 3rd Infantry Division 3/7 CAV as a 19D CAV Scout, with the rank of E-4, going to get my E-5 in a few weeks, currently in Afghanistan. I'm interested in the CCT, TACP field, I have been for a couple years. I have worked with TACP, and CCT, and various other SOF forces from all branches, and countries down range. I think this career field would be a good fit for me. As a Scout, we operate forward of the main body, observe and report. Land Nav and COMMO is our bread and butter of what we do. My ETS date is NOV of 2013, a few months after I get back, and my age. I read on the website you can't be over 28, or subtract military time in from current age, not to exceed 28. Well when my time here is done I'll have 5 years total time and I'll be 35 by then putting me at 30. Is there a waiver for this policy? I look forward to hearing from you, Thank you.

Mod Edit: X'd out your name for PERSEC.
I thought you wanted to get into PSYOP or CA
You know CCT & TACP have an assessment and selection process, right?
SBG offered some very good advice in one of your other threads.
Seems to me you need to do some research and figure out exactly what it is you want to do/where you want to go.
...entire post...

First, "search bar" here.
Go to next.
Then get in touch with an AFSOC Liason (or AFSOC Recruiter, they are different than a reg AF recruiter) in your area. They have the "no crap" answers. Since we don't have an AFSOC Recruiter on the board, the best you would get is a guess. There are loopholes for everything, including age.

IF, after you've done all of the above and still have questions, PM me. I will help if I can.
Equalizer... here is one no shit answer for you... figure out what it is you really want to do - CA, Psyop, TACP, CCT, SF... and focus on it, get your shot group down to .025 MOA @ 25m... and know what your next target is...

The people here that you're showing an unfocused attention to 'cool guy' stuff... well, bro, they may be the ones who could be making the decision if you fit in their little niche of the military. Right now, we're all wondering - wtf does this guy want to do, he's all over... when is he going to ask about CGSO or NSW...

Just food for thought.

(edited for spelling and content)
Equalizer... here is one no shit answer for you... figure out what it is you really want to do - CA, Psyop, TACP, CCT, SF... and focus on it, get your shot group down to .025 MOA @ 25m... and know what your next target is...

The people here that you're showing an unfocused attention to 'cool guy' stuff... well, bro, they may be the ones who could be making the decision if you fit in their little niche of the military. Right now, we're all wondering - wtf does this guy want to do, he's all over... when is he going to ask about CGSO or NSW...

Just food for thought.

(edited for spelling and content)
That's exactly what I'm doing. If I have to stay Army, CA or PSYOPS. If I can get to USAF, TACP or CCT
First, "search bar" here.
Go to next.
Then get in touch with an AFSOC Liason (or AFSOC Recruiter, they are different than a reg AF recruiter) in your area. They have the "no crap" answers. Since we don't have an AFSOC Recruiter on the board, the best you would get is a guess. There are loopholes for everything, including age.

IF, after you've done all of the above and still have questions, PM me. I will help if I can.
I used search bar here, gone to, and ROMAD, and spoke to a recruiter. Still no answers, this was my last stop.
Haven't a few folks on here found that USAF isn't taking prior service? Or am I mistaken?
Also, I tried getting an age waiver for SOWT 2 years ago (I was 28) and I never made it past the recruiter.
x2 to what SBG said above.
Haven't a few folks on here found that USAF isn't taking prior service? Or am I mistaken?
Also, I tried getting an age waiver for SOWT 2 years ago (I was 28) and I never made it past the recruiter.
x2 to what SBG said above.
If you are concerned about your age and your bodies ability to handle SFAS, you might as well drop CCT and TACP from your vocabulary.


SBG sends
I understand that. The decision to go ahead or not is mine. I wasn't asking if you think I can still do it, that is up to me and me only, I am aware of this. When I mentioned my concerns in another post, I wasn't refering to a definitive thought. Of course it's a concern to me as I'm sure it is to most "older" soldiers that would consider that life style and tempo. Not to say that I or anyone for that matter can't do it, it is more of a question of do I want that level all the time, which I stated in the previous post, again I realize is solely up to me. Which is why, on here, I was simply asking about an age waiver, not my ability, although somehow that's what it turned into. I came here to ask this question because I was hopeing that possibly a recruiter, maybe one that dealt more with TACP or CCT, because I know most regular recruiters barely no these jobs even exsist, would be on here to give me a more informative answer on the waiver matter that was all.
If my posts seemed a little confusing, or misleading, then I appoligise, that wasn't my intent. I am at a crucial point in my carreer/life. I am done with conventional Army, so if I reenlist, which my window is now, it's gotta be in the "unconventional" side for my own sanity. Yes I am looking at USAF and Army. Also I have been at this for a few weeks now with little to no results on my questions, and being in Afghanistan, with the time change and op tempo it's almost impossible to pick up a phone and call. I don't mean to come off's just a little frustrating sometimes. I need to go get me one of these frosty Near Beers !!! :sick:
Best I can tell you is that age waivers, unless you are already part of that particular branch of service are going to be few a far between. Like many above have stated, your best bet is to get a hold of an AFSOC recruiter. If I have time today, Ill call some of my TACP/ CCT buddies and get some contact info for you.

SBG sends
Best I can tell you is that age waivers, unless you are already part of that particular branch of service are going to be few a far between. Like many above have stated, your best bet is to get a hold of an AFSOC recruiter. If I have time today, Ill call some of my TACP/ CCT buddies and get some contact info for you.

SBG sends
Thank you, that would be greatly appreciated. I'm also waiting on an email back from an AFSOC recruiter.
That's exactly what I'm doing. If I have to stay Army, CA or PSYOPS. If I can get to USAF, TACP or CCT

Ok I sat on this piece of advice until it became evident that you needed it... learn some tact, it will be needed for any of your not yet chosen SOF careers.

ETA... btw, how long have you been in the SP4 Mafia, it really shows in your posts, there's not much NCO in them.
I guess your 11x Option 40 didn't work out?

By my reckoning, based on your posts, you've either been promoted once since 2009 or you've been busted at least once. This may be part of why you're having issues with the recruiters.

Wondering the same thing. Back in 2009, you posted you were going to RIP. Then, there's a 3 and a 1/2 year gap between then and now. So, what became of it?

If you're asking for help, it helps to know the whole story. If you don't want to spill it, that's fine. Just don't expect those here to go out of their way trying to assist you if there's a giant red flag waving behind you we can't see here on our screens.

No one here is denying you help. It's just nobody wants to have their time wasted either if there's an explanation as to the obstacles you've run into.
I have began to the wonder the same thing. I am all about helping somebody out, but like to have full situational awareness before asking favors or cashing in "blue chips". I think you laying out the full details of you career would make me more comfortable in helping you redirect your path towards my neck of the woods.

SBG sends.
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