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I just did some digging and be aware I know more than you may think. You now have an established history of saying you're going to do something and then, drop off the map sheet. Not only on this site, but others as well. If you want into this world, say what you mean and mean what you say. Don't tell anyone what they want to hear.

Lot's of people talk a great game, but when crunch time comes, reality hits and it's time for the rubber to meet the road, the percentage of those who fold like a cheap cigar is par for the course. You want the definition of 1%'s, they're right here, sizing you up based on who you are, as to what you say, with what you type.

You have some serious inconsistencies that you need to address in your very next post and clear the air.
I guess your 11x Option 40 didn't work out?

By my reckoning, based on your posts, you've either been promoted once since 2009 or you've been busted at least once. This may be part of why you're having issues with the recruiters.
Actually no, I was in, got out came back in.......option 40 didn't stick, don't ask me why cause I have no you guys are putting a lot into this. I was in '99-02 got out. Went back to the recruiters in 09 GOT an option 40, by the time I made it back to the recruiters station, there was a message saying I wasnt able to get that spot i need to go back and get another option, so i did! 19D, I couldn't even get my old job back (infantry) cause I was "prior service" and apparently the service hates the prior. I'm utterly disappointed so far in my deployment,NCO's and soldiers would rather play cards and eat than do our job, and I was thinking my mentality doesn't fit here, it's time to step it up. Hence why Im here.
I just did some digging and be aware I know more than you may think. You now have an established history of saying you're going to do something and then, drop off the map sheet. Not only on this site, but others as well. If you want into this world, say what you mean and mean what you say. Don't tell anyone what they want to hear.

Lot's of people talk a great game, but when crunch time comes, reality hits and it's time for the rubber to meet the road, the percentage of those who fold like a cheap cigar is par for the course. You want the definition of 1%'s, they're right here, sizing you up based on who you are, as to what you say, with what you type.

You have some serious inconsistencies that you need to address in your very next post and clear the air.
I agree with what you are saying, and I wish I could have done what I was after, the Army doesn't allow many options at all when coming BACK in. It took me a VERY long 9 months just to get back in with multiple recruiters, and MEPS trips, needless to say they didn't like that much. I held out as long as I could waiting for what I wanted before it was going to effect me coming back in at all.
I'll just strike your next question of why didn't I go to an SF or Ranger recruiter once at my duty station preemptively......Because I was working my ass off on being the best soldier I could for the all the joe's with me. I doesn't do anyone any good if my mind isn't there, and I refuse to be labeled "that guy". My goal was to make SGT in these 3 years. 25m target right, 50. 50m target is to "figure out what I want". 100m commit to it. 150m get the job. 200m graduate. 250 excel at the new job. 300m active member of said job.
Actually no, I was in, got out came back in.......option 40 didn't stick, don't ask me why cause I have no you guys are putting a lot into this. I was in '99-02 got out. Went back to the recruiters in 09 GOT an option 40, by the time I made it back to the recruiters station, there was a message saying I wasnt able to get that spot i need to go back and get another option, so i did! 19D, I couldn't even get my old job back (infantry) cause I was "prior service" and apparently the service hates the prior. I'm utterly disappointed so far in my deployment,NCO's and soldiers would rather play cards and eat than do our job, and I was thinking my mentality doesn't fit here, it's time to step it up. Hence why Im here.

Well, when you come across things like this (This is you, is it not?)

I signed for 4 years 18weeks. Not sure were the 18 weeks came from. I go to WTC for 5 weeks, then OSUT AIT at Benning for 7 weeks, then it gets a little confusing because normally you would go to Airborne then RIP but I'm already Airborne qualified so were not to sure how that's gonna work, guess I'll find out at AIT. Anyway then the 3 weeks of RIP. By the way I see now it says RIP is 4 weeks, I thought a while ago when I was in it was only 3 weeks, what is that extra week?

I ship June 15th, any help, mentoring, and information about RIP is wanted and needed.

Basically, the same thing you posted here.

You had a contract. You signed a contract. Your words. Tell me what we're missing. You wouldn't be the first person who went world wide who didn't make RIP.
Well, when you come across things like this (This is you, is it not?)

Basically, the same thing you posted here.

You had a contract. You signed a contract. Your words. Tell me what we're missing. You wouldn't be the first person who went world wide who didn't make RIP.
No, never did RIP, never got to keep that contract. Im a 19D......SCOUTs can't serve in Batt, can't do it, not allowed. There's no secret here, I got screwed out of an option 40 on a fat guys mistake. Aparently they signed me up as a 1st term soldier by accident. Needless to say I was raising hell, so was my recruiter. When they put me back in ( a few days later ) there's was no option 40 for prior service. I don't know what else to tell you, that's how it went down, I know the Army could never make a stupid mistake like that .........yeah.
Actually no, I was in, got out came back in.......option 40 didn't stick, don't ask me why cause I have no idea

"I have no idea" (Your words)

And then, you post this:

I was in '99-02 got out. Went back to the recruiters in 09 GOT an option 40, by the time I made it back to the recruiters station, there was a message saying I wasnt able to get that spot i need to go back and get another option, so i did! 19D, I couldn't even get my old job back (infantry) cause I was "prior service" and apparently the service hates the prior. I'm utterly disappointed so far in my deployment,NCO's and soldiers would rather play cards and eat than do our job, and I was thinking my mentality doesn't fit here, it's time to step it up. Hence why Im here.

Wonder why all the questions? you guys are putting a lot into this.

I like to get the straight skinny, as in the truth. So does the rest of the membership here. Not saying you're a liar or dishonest, but, at times, in order to get to the bottom line and have the truth come out, yeah, some of us do put in a lot of time into things like this. Call it the Cop in me.

Well, this was your post on the 25th of March, 2009.

Then, on the 21st of April, 2009, you posted this:

Then, on the 4th of May, 2009, 8th post down, you posted this:

No, never did RIP, never got to keep that contract. Im a 19D......SCOUTs can't serve in Batt, can't do it, not allowed. There's no secret here, I got screwed out of an option 40 on a fat guys mistake. Aparently they signed me up as a 1st term soldier by accident. Needless to say I was raising hell, so was my recruiter. When they put me back in ( a few days later ) there's was no option 40 for prior service. I don't know what else to tell you, that's how it went down, I know the Army could never make a stupid mistake like that .........yeah.

One would figure that if you had gotten screwed like that, after all your postings, you would have posted about it. You had all that time, from the March posting until you shipped to make mention of it, and now, here it is 3 years later and explaining this. You didn't even explain it when you first poked your head back in here just recently, on your own accord, without being asked....and it still wasn't until it was brought up BY ONE OF US.

With you doing all the raving about getting the contract in March of 2009, the post above indicates a few days later, you got a different contract. So, what is it? A few days? Or in May, 2009?

Call me skeptical. I'd say there are good reasons for me to be exactly that.
Alright, this thread is way off course.

Equalizer, I believe xSFmed, SBG, and Centermass have informed you as well as possible. I suggest reading more, posting less, and consider your audience- in this thread alone, there are Special Operations guys (that you want to be one day) willing to use their time and help you out. Two of those guys call your record/behavior into question at this point. Not a good start to a career in Special Operations.

Look into getting vetted, it clears up a ton of this. We do not allow posers, and whether you are/aren't isn't clear by your own doing. The perception that you aren't telling the truth is there.

Get vetted, read more, post less, and focus on the 5m target- pick a SOF career field, stick with it, and get the answers you need from the appropriate authority- the SOF Service Recruiter.

And to echo xSFmed- your tact/interaction here needs some serious work.

Back on track, everyone.
Ok, so your story is possible, but I agree with the others in that it is odd you didn't come out with all the details right from the get-go.

It is entirely possible that a dumb ass recruiter processed you as a non prior service guy, thus allowing you to get an 11x opt. 40. It is also possible that the guidance counselor did not catch his mistake. And then it is possible that when battalion or brigade ops did a QC of your contract, they discovered the mistake, and eliminated your contract, thus forcing you to pick from a list of MOS's available to PS for re-training, and signing a new contract. So, over all, it is possible that what you say is correct. I have seen stupid-er stuff happen. But the fact that you didn't explain all of this from the get-go raises eye-brows, and the fact that you are still an E-4 with what, 5 or 6 years of service? That also raises eye brows. I would echo what the others said, and advise that you do some reading on the site, figure out what you want your next step to be, and THEN ask us stuff you aren't able to find. Also, take some direction from the tower and get vetted. Nobody here is trying to scare you off, but all manner of folk come on here, and the douche-radar is calibrated - so just roll with the punches and this too shall pass.
... get vetted. Nobody here is trying to scare you off, but all manner of folk come on here, and the douche-radar is calibrated - so just roll with the punches and this too shall pass.

Concur. It's too easy to get vetted, click the appropriate tab on the top of this page and follow the instructions.
The next time a kid ask's me what it's like to be in the Army, I'll do a background check and ask to see his report card. Lets not forget I asked about a waiver NEVER once asking anyone to stick thier neck out, just answer a SIMPLE question. And no I'm not going to release my history over the internet hahaha that's just plain silly, if you want PM me. Centermass you say you're looking for the truth, I don't think so. You're trying to find something to stab me on. Well you have the truth, but you're not taking it.......I guess that is the cop in you. I don't need this this crap, I'm in A-Stan right now......I got more importiant things going on here than satisfying certain members blood thirst. I figured you guys LIKED talking about what you do/did, and to help out people with questions. Instead I feel some members will attack if the RIGHT question IS NOT asked. Well that's why people come here to ask, sometimes dumb or mundane questions will be asked. Don not ask me to give my personal, or military history in it's entiret over the net ! That's not cool. This has already taken up to much of my time, arguing like children. I wont post anymore !!
I'm sorry, you're not a kid asking what it's like to be in the army. Trying to relate this discourse to that, highlights lack of maturity.

You're an active duty soldier who's wanting to go into special operations. You have also been here before in the past.

People here don't get the missions, get the postings, go to the units or do the things we've done....... through lack of attention to detail. It's one of the pillars of being able to accomplish what we do with as little as we do, day in and day out.

So, you get checked out.

Your story checks out as pretty funky. So, we do what we've been trained to do.... ask questions. You get defensive, instead of having some honesty and integrity and being straight with what's going on and gone on with you.

Guess what... to go ANYWHERE in SOF means someone is willing to vouch for you. It's just the way it is in the club.

Every graduate at RASP and RIP before it, was all the instructors (who are some of the best Rangers in the Regiment) VOUCHING that these guys they were graduating would be able to maintain the minimum standards required of those new Rangers.

Same with SFAS and the Q. Same with Green platoon. Same with BUDS. Same with Same with Same with.


You are graded, assessed, and vouched for at some level, all the time.

It doesn't end when you graduate from the initial training.

Waivers happen on their own if you meet criteria... if there's a limited number, it helps if someone is willing to VOUCH for you, even if it's only so far as just calling up a guy you know and saying "hey, this app might be coming across your desk, he might be worth giving a shot".

You aren't worth any vouching, anywhere. You have no integrity, no credibility, a severe lack of maturity, and no concept of reality to boot. Chances are, you wouldn't be able to get the clearances required anyway if you're this dodgy just on the internet.

Enjoy being a leg.
This has already taken up to much of my time, arguing like children. I wont post anymore !!

You started one post too late. I am not sure where you think you are, but you've seriously misjudged your surroundings and you look unprofessional. I don't want you on my team. Hell, I am embarrassed this is even taking place in the AFSOC sub forum.

Don not ask me to give my personal, or military history in it's entiret over the net ! That's not cool. This has already taken up to much of my time, arguing like children. I wont post anymore !!

My name is Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, I'm 34, in the active Army with the 3rd Infantry Division 3/7 CAV as a 19D CAV Scout, with the rank of E-4, going to get my E-5 in a few weeks, currently in Afghanistan. My ETS date is NOV of 2013,....

Mod Edit: X'd out your name for PERSEC.

So you start a thread with your name and a basic military bio and then conclude this circus by telling us you aren't going to provide your name and military bio?

I know this thread is locked and you can't respond, but in my best NFL Gameday voice:

"C'mon, Man!"
Based on his posts in this thread and the contents of an unsolicited email he recently sent to me, I'm going to go ahead and pull the plug on Equalizer. I don't think he has what it takes to be a productive member here, and for both his sake and the good of the site, he is now perma-banned.
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