Air Force Weapons School

Congratulations fellas! I would love to earn the chance to be tested at this school one day.
I am glad that JTACs finally got these hallowed patches that I never heard of previously. Is that the actual picture of the patch? It looks like something that could be mistaken for the Georgia Tech model airplane society.
I assume this is the Air Force equivalent of the Marine Corps' Weapons and Tactics Instructor course. I'm glad they get to attend the course and get additional certification.
--JTAC Advanced Instructor Course -- the course’s former name -- graduates who will also receive patches, as the first and only enlisted patch wearers in the school’s 66-year history.
Unfortunately the JTAC Advanced Instructor Course was not even a wet dream 66 years ago.

The JTAC Advanced Instructor Course didn't existence before 2012 (3 years ago). Also first enlisted patch wearers conveniently ignore the rated ALOs that have been eligible to get the patch for decades (66 years).

However, well done.